NEW FEATURES - Added the 'CallingProgram' API keyword parameter. This allows the calling program to change the program name embedded in every message produced during the parse. WHATSNEW For 'tconfpy' 1.185 (Sun May 2 03:07:05 CDT 2004) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BUG FIXES - The content of literal blocks found within False conditional blocks was being reported as a syntax error. This was benign, but annoying. Now all text within literal blocks is not syntax checked, whether or not the enclosing block is True. WHATSNEW For 'tconfpy' 1.184 (Tue Apr 27 18:54:11 CDT 2004) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Added support for Variable Templates. Added the 'ReturnPredefs' API option. WHATSNEW For 'tconfpy' 1.181 (Sat Apr 24 15:49:13 CDT 2004) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First public release of the program.