| |
| | |
| | # Program Information |
| | |
| | PROGNAME = "tconfpy" |
| | RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.170 2004/04/14 02:26:08 tundra Exp $" |
| | RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.171 2004/04/14 20:53:25 tundra Exp $" |
| | VERSION = RCSID.split()[2] |
| | |
| | # Copyright Information |
| | |
| |
| | PREDEFINTRO + "PLATFORM" : sysplat, |
| | PREDEFINTRO + "PYTHONVERSION" : platform.python_version() |
| | } |
| | |
| | |
| | # Symbols Illegal As First Character Of Variable/Namespace Name |
| | |
| | IllegalStart = (ENVIRO) |
| | |
| | # Symbols Illegal Anywhere In A Variable/Namespace Name |
| | |
| | IllegalChars = (DELIML, DELIMR, COMMENT) |
| | |
| | |
| | # Regular Expressions |
| | |
| | reVARWHITE = r".*\s+.*" # Look for embedded whitespace |
| | reVARREF = r"\%s.+?\%s" % (DELIML, DELIMR) # Variable reference |
| |
| | ########## |
| | # Debug Literals And Messages |
| | ########## |
| | |
| | # Literals |
| | # Debug Literals |
| | |
| | dDEBUG = "DEBUG" |
| | dLINEIGNORE = "Line Ignored" |
| | |
| | dBLANKLINE = "Parsed To Blank Line. %s" % dLINEIGNORE |
| | dNOTINCLUDE = "Current Conditional Block False. %s" % dLINEIGNORE |
| | |
| | # Messages |
| | # Debug Messages |
| | |
| | Messages["dLINEIGNORE"] = FILENUM + " '%s'" + PTR + "%s\n" |
| | Messages["dNAMESPACE"] = FILENUM + "Setting Current Namespace To: '%s'" |
| | Messages["dNUMLINES"] = "Processing File '%s' Resulted In %d Total Lines Parsed" |
| |
| | ########### |
| | # Error Literals And Messages |
| | ########### |
| | |
| | # Literals |
| | # Error Literals |
| | |
| | eERROR = "ERROR" |
| | |
| | eBADDEFAULT = "Type Of Default Value Does Not Agree With Type Declared" |
| |
| | eNOTDESCRIPT = "Invalid Descriptor Type" |
| | eNOVARREF = "Must Have At Least One Variable Reference" |
| | eSTARTUP = "<Program Starting>" |
| | |
| | # Messages |
| | # Error Messages |
| | |
| | Messages["eBADCOND"] = FILENUM + "Bad '%s' Directive. %s" |
| | Messages["eBADREGEX"] = FILENUM + "Bad Regular Expression, '%s', In Legal Values List For Variable '%s'" |
| | Messages["eBADSYNTAX"] = FILENUM + "Syntax Error. Statement Not In Known Form" |
| |
| | Messages["eENDIFEXTRA"] = FILENUM + "'" + ENDIF + "' Without Matching Condition" |
| | Messages["eENDIFMISS"] = FILENUM + "Missing %d" + " '%s' " % ENDIF + " Statement(s)" |
| | Messages["eEQUIVEXTRA"] = FILENUM + "Only a single '%s' Or '%s' Operator Permitted" % (EQUIV, NOTEQUIV) |
| | Messages["eIFEXTRATXT"] = FILENUM + "Extra Text On Line. '%s' Only Accepts Variable References As Arguments" |
| | Messages["eNAMESPACEILLEGAL"] = FILENUM + "'%s' Is An Illegal Namespace. Begins With '%s' Symbol" |
| | Messages["eNAMESPACENEW"] = FILENUM + "New Namespace Creation Not Permitted. Current Namespace Unchanged: '%s'" |
| | Messages["eNOTLEGALVAL"] = FILENUM + "'%s' Not Found In List Of Legal Values For Variable '%s'" |
| | Messages["eSTRINGLONG"] = FILENUM + "Right-Hand-Side Too Long. '%s' Must Be No More Than %s Characters Long" |
| | Messages["eSTRINGSHORT"] = FILENUM + "Right-Hand-Side Too Short. '%s' Must Be At Least %s Characters Long" |
| | Messages["eSYMBADCHAR"] = FILENUM + "Symbol '%s' Contains Illegal Character '%s'" |
| | Messages["eSYMBADSTART"] = FILENUM + "Symbol '%s' Begins With An Illegal Character" |
| | Messages["eSYMNAMESPC"] = FILENUM + "Symbol Names May Not Contain Whitespace" |
| | Messages["eSYMNONAME"] = FILENUM + "Symbol Name Evaluates To Null String. Not Permitted" |
| | Messages["eTYPEBAD"] = FILENUM + "Type Mismatch. '%s' Must Be Assigned Values Of Type %s Only" |
| | Messages["eVALLARGE"] = FILENUM + "%s Is Larger Than The Maximum Allowed, %s, For Variable '%s'" |
| | Messages["eVALSMALL"] = FILENUM + "%s Is Smaller Than The Minimum Allowed, %s, For Variable '%s'" |
| | Messages["eVARNAMESPC"] = FILENUM + "Variable Names May Not Contain Whitespace" |
| | Messages["eVARHASDELIM"] = FILENUM + "Variable Names May Not Include The '%s' Or '%s' Characters" % (DELIML, DELIMR) |
| | Messages["eVARILLEGAL"] = FILENUM + "'%s' Is An Illegal Variable Name Here. Begins With '%s' Symbol" |
| | Messages["eVARNEW"] = FILENUM + "New Variable Creation Not Permitted" |
| | Messages["eVARNONAME"] = FILENUM + "Variable Name Evaluates To Null String. Not Permitted" |
| | Messages["eVARREADONLY"] = FILENUM + "Variable '%s' Is Read-Only. Cannot Change Its Value" |
| | Messages["eVARREFNEST"] = FILENUM + "Nested Variable References Are Not Permitted" |
| | Messages["eVARUNDEF"] = FILENUM + "Attempt To Reference Undefined Variable '%s'" |
| | |
| |
| | ########### |
| | # Warning Literals And Messages |
| | ########### |
| | |
| | # Literals |
| | # Warning Literals |
| | |
| | |
| | # Messages |
| | # Warning Messages |
| | |
| | Messages["wENDLITEXTRA"] = FILENUM + "'%s' Statement Without Preceding '%s'. Statement Ignored" % (ENDLITERAL, LITERAL) |
| | Messages["wENDLITMISS"] = FILENUM + "Missing '%s' Statement. All lines treated literally to end-of-file" % ENDLITERAL |
| | Messages["wLITEXTRA"] = FILENUM + "Already In A Literal Block. '%s' Statement Ignored" % LITERAL |
| |
| | for var in VarRef.findall(line): |
| | |
| | sym = var[1:-1] # Strip delimiters |
| | |
| | # Do some preliminary tests to validate variable names |
| | |
| | # Make sure there is no whitespace in the variable reference |
| | |
| | if VarWhite.match(sym): |
| | ErrorMsg("eVARNAMESPC", (cfgfile, linenum)) |
| | ref_ok = False |
| | |
| | # Look for evidence of attempts to nest variable references |
| | |
| | if sym.count(DELIML) or sym.count(DELIMR): |
| | ErrorMsg("eVARREFNEST", (cfgfile, linenum)) |
| | ref_ok = False |
| | # Make sure symbol name is properly formed |
| | |
| | ref_ok = ValidateSymbolName(sym, cfgfile, linenum) |
| | |
| | # If Preliminary tests found errors - quit now |
| | |
| | if not ref_ok: |
| |
| | # Flag attempts to create new namespaces if this is disabled |
| | if not ALLOWNEWNS and ns != SymTable[NAMESPACE].Value and ns not in SymTable[NAMESPACE].LegalVals: |
| | ErrorMsg("eNAMESPACENEW", (cfgfile, linenum, SymTable[NAMESPACE].Value)) |
| | |
| | # Make sure the namespace does not start with the ENVIRO introducer |
| | |
| | elif ns and ns[0] == ENVIRO: |
| | ErrorMsg("eNAMESPACEILLEGAL", (cfgfile, linenum, ns, ENVIRO)) |
| | # Make sure the namespace is properly formed |
| | |
| | elif not ValidateSymbolName(ns, cfgfile, linenum, AllowEmpty=True): |
| | pass # Validation function issues relevant error messages |
| | |
| | |
| | # Install the new namespace |
| | else: |
| | |
| |
| | if DEBUG: |
| | DebugMsg("dLINEIGNORE", (cfgfile, linenum, orig, dNOTINCLUDE)) |
| | return |
| | |
| | # Catch attempts to dereference without name |
| | # Catch attempts to dereference without name anywhere in the line |
| | |
| | if line.count(DELIML + DELIMR): |
| | ErrorMsg("eVARNONAME", (cfgfile, linenum)) |
| | ErrorMsg("eSYMNONAME", (cfgfile, linenum)) |
| | |
| | if DEBUG: |
| | DebugMsg("dPARSEDLINE", (cfgfile, linenum, orig, line)) |
| | |
| |
| | e = line.index(EQUAL) |
| | l = line[:e].strip() |
| | r = line[e+1:].strip() |
| | |
| | # Make sure the variable name has no spaces in it |
| | |
| | if VarWhite.match(l): |
| | ErrorMsg("eVARNAMESPC", (cfgfile, linenum)) |
| | |
| | # Suppress attempts to set null-named variables |
| | |
| | elif not l: |
| | ErrorMsg("eVARNONAME", (cfgfile, linenum)) |
| | |
| | # Variables may not contain reference delimiters |
| | |
| | elif l.count(DELIML) or l.count(DELIMR): |
| | ErrorMsg("eVARHASDELIM", (cfgfile, linenum)) |
| | # Make sure symbol name is properly formed |
| | |
| | if not ValidateSymbolName(l, cfgfile, linenum): |
| | pass # Validation function issues relevant error messages |
| | |
| | |
| | # Suppress any attempt to change a RO variable |
| | |
| | # ***NOTE*** |
| |
| | if not ALLOWNEWNS and r != SymTable[NAMESPACE].Value and r not in SymTable[NAMESPACE].LegalVals: |
| | ErrorMsg("eNAMESPACENEW", (cfgfile, linenum, SymTable[NAMESPACE].Value)) |
| | update = False |
| | |
| | # Make sure the new namespace does not start with the ENVIRO introducer |
| | elif r and r[0] == ENVIRO: |
| | ErrorMsg("eNAMESPACEILLEGAL", (cfgfile, linenum, r, ENVIRO)) |
| | update = False |
| | # Make sure the new namespace does not start with |
| | # an illegal character. |
| | |
| | elif not ValidateSymbolName(r, cfgfile, linenum, AllowEmpty=True): |
| | update = False # Validation function issues relevant error messages |
| | |
| | # Install the new namespace |
| | else: |
| | if l == NSSEP + NAMESPACE: |
| |
| | # In all other cases prepend current namespace |
| | else: |
| | ns = SymTable[NAMESPACE].Value |
| | |
| | # Top level namespace variables don't need separator |
| | # Also, make sure the variable name does not begin with ENVIRO introducer. |
| | # If it does, do nothing, and we'll catch the error below. |
| | # Top level namespace variables don't need |
| | # separator Also, make sure the variable name does |
| | # not begin with an illegal character. If it |
| | # does, do nothing, and we'll catch the error |
| | # below. |
| | |
| | if ns and l[0] != ENVIRO: |
| | if ns and l[0] not in IllegalStart: |
| | l = "%s%s%s" % (ns, NSSEP, l) |
| | |
| | d = VarDescriptor() |
| | |
| |
| | # create the new entry |
| | |
| | if l not in SymTable: |
| | |
| | # Make sure the variable name does not begin with ENVIRO introducer |
| | if l[0] == ENVIRO: |
| | ErrorMsg("eVARILLEGAL", (cfgfile, linenum, l, ENVIRO)) |
| | # Make sure the variable name does not begin with |
| | # an illegal character. |
| | |
| | if l[0] in IllegalStart: |
| | ErrorMsg("eVARILLEGAL", (cfgfile, linenum, l, l[0])) |
| | |
| | # Only do this if new variable creation allowed |
| | elif ALLOWNEWVAR: |
| | d.Default = r |
| |
| | ########## |
| | |
| | |
| | # End of 'ParseLine' |
| | |
| | |
| | ##### |
| | # Ensure Symbol Name Is Properly Formed |
| | ##### |
| | |
| | def ValidateSymbolName(sym, cfgfile, linenum, AllowEmpty=False): |
| | |
| | sym_ok = True |
| | |
| | # Check for whitespace |
| | |
| | if VarWhite.match(sym): |
| | ErrorMsg("eSYMNAMESPC", (cfgfile, linenum)) |
| | sym_ok = False |
| | |
| | |
| | # Check for empty symbols if they are disallowed |
| | |
| | if not AllowEmpty and not sym: |
| | ErrorMsg("eSYMNONAME", (cfgfile, linenum)) |
| | sym_ok = False |
| | |
| | |
| | # Check for illegal starting symbol |
| | |
| | if sym and sym[0] in IllegalStart: |
| | ErrorMsg("eSYMBADSTART", (cfgfile, linenum, sym)) |
| | sym_ok = False |
| | |
| | # Check for illegal characters in symbol name |
| | |
| | for c in sym: |
| | if c in IllegalChars: |
| | ErrorMsg("eSYMBADCHAR", (cfgfile, linenum, sym, c)) |
| | sym_ok = False |
| | |
| | # Return symbol validity |
| | |
| | return sym_ok |
| | |
| | # End Of 'ValidateSymbolName()' |
| | |
| | |
| | #----------------------------------------------------------# |
| | # List Of Public Names Available To Program Importing Us # |
| |
| | |