Updated to show use of boolean dereferencing within existentials.
1 parent de1cde4 commit 2112f4ca7b29ff3b260c4a890441a0d5079c7a35
@tundra tundra authored on 14 Jan 2005
Showing 1 changed file
# A 'tconfpy' Example Configuration File
# Copyright 2003-2005 TundraWare Inc.
# $Id: example.cfg,v 1.106 2005/01/13 22:12:39 tundra Exp $
# $Id: example.cfg,v 1.107 2005/01/14 09:53:18 tundra Exp $
# This is designed to illustrate the various features
# of the 'tconfpy' configuration language.
bool1 = yEs
bool1 = 0
bool1 = yessir # Error: Unrecognized boolean value
# Testing Booleans - The HARD WAY
# No matter how you set it, the *value* of a boolean is always stored as
# 'True' or 'False'. This matters when doing Comparison Conditionals
.if [bool1] == False
# something
# Testing Booleans - The EASY WAY
# Quick Review: If you do this, you are testing to see if a boolean
# variable *exists*:
# .ifall/any/none BoolVar1 BoolVar2 ....
# Ordinarily, [foo] returns the *value* of variable 'foo'. But in the
# case of booleans in an existential test, this construct returns the
# *logical state* of the boolean variable. So you can do things like:
bool1 = True
.ifany [bool1]
bool1was True
bool1was False
# This only works *within existential tests* (.ifany, .ifall, .ifnone).
# Everywhere else, [BoolVar] will return one of the strings, 'True' or 'False'.