Removed references to return code in the API.
Defined conditions to be able to use multiple variable refs.
1 parent b54e4e4 commit 26dc08b64026ce087ec347e082bd8834e106741e
@tundra tundra authored on 14 Mar 2004
Showing 1 changed file
$Id: tconfpy-spec.txt,v 1.102 2004/03/09 23:50:16 tundra Exp $
$Id: tconfpy-spec.txt,v 1.103 2004/03/14 09:16:06 tundra Exp $
tconfpy.ParseConfig(FileName, Options, IgnoreCase=False, Debug=False)
---> [SymTable, ErrorrMsgs, WarningMsgs, DebugMsgs, ParseOK]
---> [SymTable, ErrorMsgs, WarningMsgs, DebugMsgs]
SymTable ---> {Symbol Name : [Symbol Value, option, option, ...]}
ErrorMsgs ---> List of Error Messages
DebugMsgs ---> List of Debug Messages (empty if Debug=False)
WarningMsgs ---> List of Warning Messages
ParseOK ---> If True, parsing was successful.
DebugMsgs ---> List of Debug Messages (empty if Debug=False)
All conditionals except Existential, are string literal tests (with
possible case ignored).
.include REF | Filename # Inline include
CONDSTR = ([var]|string)+
.if REF == REF | String # Equality
.if REF != REF | String # Inequality
.if REF # Existential
.include CONDSTR # Inline include
.if CONDSTR == CONDSTR # Equality
.if CONDSTR != CONDSTR # Inequality
.if [var]+ # Existential
.ifnot [var]+
.endif # Conditional block delimiter