Minor edits and formatting cleanup.
Noted that NAMESPACE is a pre-defined variable used internally.
Noted that user variables cannot begin with a period.
1 parent 29bf5a5 commit 3d5d1cabf9f6a6b5ce985bbd09fdf3b038459ffb
@tundra tundra authored on 8 Apr 2004
Showing 1 changed file
retval = ParseConfig(cfgfile,
Allow new namespaces to be created in the configuration file.
.B Debug (Default: False)
If set to True, \*(TC will provide detailed debugging information
about each line processed when it returns.
.B LiteralVars (Default: False)
If set to True this option enables variable substitutions within
\'.literal\' blocks of a configuration file. See the section in the
language reference below on \'.literal\' usage for details.
.B Debug (Default: False)
If set to True, \*(TC will provide detailed debugging information
about each line processed when it returns.
.B retval
It is important to realize that this option only disables the
creation of
.B new
namespaces. As discussed in the later section on namespace
namespaces. As discussed in the previous section on namespace
processing, it is possible to pass an initial symbol table to the
parser which has one or more pre-defined namespaces in it. Each of
these pre-defined namespaces is available for use throughout the
configuration file even if \'AllowNewNamespaces\' is set to False.
.SS The \'Debug\' API Option
\*(TC has a fairly rich set of debugging features built into its
parser. It can provide some detail about each line parsed as well
as overall information about the parse. Be default, debugging is
turned off. To enable debugging, merely set \'Debug=True' in the
API call:
retval = ParseConfig("myconfigfile", Debug=True)
.SS The \'LiteralVars\' API Option
\*(TC supports the inclusion of literal text anywhere in a
other language or text.
.SS The \'Debug\' API Option
\*(TC has a fairly rich set of debugging features built into its
parser. It can provide some detail about each line parsed as well
as overall information about the parse. Be default, debugging is
turned off. To enable debugging, merely set \'Debug=True' in the
API call:
retval = ParseConfig("myconfigfile", Debug=True)
.SS How \*(TC Processes Errors
As a general matter, when \*(TC encounters an error in the
configuration file currently being parsed, it does two things. First,
Variable names cannot have the \'#\' character anywhere in them
because \*(TC sees that character as the beginning a comment.
.IP \(bu 4
Variable names cannot begin with \'.\' character. \*(TC understands
a leading period in a variable name to be a "namespace escape".
This is discussed in a later section on lexical namespaces.
.IP \(bu 4
You cannot have a variable whose name is the empty string. This is
= String
.IP \(bu 4
The variable named \'NAMESPACE\' is not available for your own
use. \*(TC understands this variable to hold the current lexical
namespace as described later in this document. If you set it
to a new value, it will change the namespace, so be sure this is
what you wanted to do.
.SS Getting And Using The Value Of A Variable