Cleaned up the string too short/too long error messages.
1 parent cdc0ccf commit a19008263328f32963257b4d54279fd552e06ba3
@tundra tundra authored on 31 Mar 2004
Showing 1 changed file
# Program Information
PROGNAME = "tconfpy"
RCSID = "$Id:,v 1.151 2004/03/31 21:46:13 tundra Exp $"
RCSID = "$Id:,v 1.152 2004/03/31 22:07:05 tundra Exp $"
VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
# Copyright Information
Messages["eENDIFMISS"] = FILENUM + "Missing %d" + " '%s' " % ENDIF + " Statement(s)"
Messages["eEQUIVEXTRA"] = FILENUM + "Only a single '%s' Or '%s' Operator Permitted" % (EQUIV, NOTEQUIV)
Messages["eIFEXTRATXT"] = FILENUM + "Extra Text On Line. '%s' Only Accepts Variable References As Arguments"
Messages["eNOTLEGALVAL"] = FILENUM + "'%s' Not Found In List Of Legal Values For Variable '%s'"
Messages["eSTRINGLONG"] = FILENUM + "Right-Hand-Side, '%s' Longer Than Max Allowed Length, %s, For Variable '%s'"
Messages["eSTRINGSHORT"] = FILENUM + "Right-Hand-Side, '%s' Shorter Than Min Allowed Length, %s, For Variable '%s'"
Messages["eSTRINGLONG"] = FILENUM + "Right-Hand-Side Too Long. '%s' Must Be No More Than %s Characters Long"
Messages["eSTRINGSHORT"] = FILENUM + "Right-Hand-Side Too Short. '%s' Must Be At Least %s Characters Long"
Messages["eTYPEBAD"] = FILENUM + "Type Mismatch. '%s' Must Be Assigned Values Of Type %s Only"
Messages["eVALLARGE"] = FILENUM + "%s Is Larger Than The Maximum Allowed, %s, For Variable '%s'"
Messages["eVARNAMESPC"] = FILENUM + "Variable Names May Not Contain Whitespace"
Messages["eVARNONAME"] = FILENUM + "Variable Name Evaluates To Null String. Not Permitted"
if update and typ == TYPE_STRING:
if low != None and len(r) < low:
ErrorMsg("eSTRINGSHORT", (cfgfile, linenum, r, low, l))
ErrorMsg("eSTRINGSHORT", (cfgfile, linenum, l, low))
update = False
if up != None and len(r) > up:
ErrorMsg("eSTRINGLONG", (cfgfile, linenum, r, up, l))
ErrorMsg("eSTRINGLONG", (cfgfile, linenum, l, up))
update = False
# Update variable if all tests passed