Cleaned up table of variables created by 'symtbl' option to better fit printed page.
1 parent fdd3944 commit a6a2fe17714f615fec896999bd4099d8138de0f9
@tundra tundra authored on 20 Jan 2005
Showing 1 changed file
The variables created are:
.ft C \" courier
Name Val RO Type Def Legal Values Min/Max
Name Val RO Type Def Legal Values Min/Max
int1 1 True TYPE_INT 0 [1, 2, 23] None None
int2 1 True TYPE_INT 0 [] 1 30
float1 1.0 None TYPE_FLOAT 0.5 [3.14, 2.73] None None
float2 1.0 None TYPE_FLOAT 0.5 [] -1.2 0.5
str1 "stringy" None None None [r'^box$', r'^Bax', r'a+bc'] 3 8
cmplx1 4+5j None TYPE_COMPLEX 0-0j [] None None
cmplx2 4+5j None TYPE_COMPLEX 0-0j [1-1j 1+1j] None None
bool1 True None TYPE_BOOL None None None None
ro1 "ReadVar" False None None None None None
int1 1 True int 0 [1, 2, 23] None None
int2 1 True int 0 [] 1 30
float1 1.0 None float 0.5 [3.14, 2.73] None None
float2 1.0 None float 0.5 [] -1.2 0.5
str1 "stringy" None None None [r'^box$', r'^Bax', r'a+bc'] 3 8
cmplx1 4+5j None complex 0-0j [] None None
cmplx2 4+5j None complex 0-0j [1-1j 1+1j] None None
bool1 True None boolean None None None None
ro1 "ReadVar" False None None None None None
.ft \" revert
Notice that some of the fields are defined as \fCNone\fP. In this case, that
.ft \" revert
$Id: test-tc.1,v 1.112 2005/01/20 10:08:50 tundra Exp $
$Id: test-tc.1,v 1.113 2005/01/20 10:35:04 tundra Exp $