Reogranized the code considerably. Population of an initial symbol
table is now table-driven to make it easy for the user to modify.  The
use of a pre-defined symbol table is now a command line option.
1 parent aadac71 commit a99f3e4f7a9aeabe4b992e5b148ebbc5ad1c926a
@tundra tundra authored on 31 Mar 2004
Showing 1 changed file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 TundraWare Inc. All Rights Reserved.
PROGNAME = "tconfpy Test Driver"
RCSID = "$Id:,v 1.120 2004/03/25 10:38:04 tundra Exp $"
RCSID = "$Id:,v 1.121 2004/04/01 00:09:40 tundra Exp $"
VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
# Copyright Information
COPYRIGHT = "Copyright %s %s %s, %s." % (CPRT, DATE, OWNER, RIGHTS)
import tconfpy
# Imports And Other Odds-And-Ends #
from tconfpy import *
import sys
# Translate booleans into equivalent writeable state
# Translation table for booleans into equivalent writeable state
TF = {True:"RW", False:"RO"}
# Build An Initial Symbol Table #
# One of the options of this test driver is to initialize a test symbol
# table. We build that table here in case the user requested it.
# Create An Empty Symbol Table
symtbl = {}
# This test driver makes it easy to add pre-defined symbols of
# your own choosing. The first way is like this ...
# The data below is used to populate an initial symbol table. You can add or
# change things here without modifying any of the following code.
# Each symbol has an entry which is a list with the following items:
# Name, Value, Writeable, Type, Default, LegalVals, Min, Max
# Where 'None' appears, the init code just uses the default established
# by the VarDescriptor base class.
syms = [ ["foo", 1, True, TYPE_INT, 0, [1, 2, 23], 1, 30 ],
["fox", 1.0, None, TYPE_FLOAT, 0.5, [3.14, 2.73], None, None ],
["bar", "stringy", None, None, None, [r'^box$', r'^Bax', r'a+bc'], 3, 8 ],
["baz", 4+5j, None, TYPE_COMPLEX, 0-0j, [], None, None ],
["boo", True, None, TYPE_BOOL, None, None, None, None ],
["read", "ReadVar", False, None, None, None, None, None ],
# Another way to add pre-defined symbols is to explicitly load
# them into the symbol table. The example below does this as
# well as demonstrating how to use inheritance to create
# your own types derviced from the tconfpy variable descriptor
# base class.
# Here's a way to inherit the base symbol definition from
# the module and then derive a new object type for your
# own convenience
# Note the use of 'super()' here to run each constructor in
# the inheritance tree only once.
class mycmplx(VarDescriptor):
def __init__(self):
super(mycmplx, self).__init__()
self.Value = 2-2j
self.Default = 39-4j
self.Type = TYPE_COMPLEX
# Instantiate some of these
mc1 = mycmplx()
mc2 = mycmplx()
mc2.Value = 8-3.14159j
mc2.Writeable = False
# And stuff them into the symbol table
symtbl["MyComplex1"] = mc1
symtbl["MyComplex2"] = mc2
# Nothing Else Should Need Changing Below Here
# Fill in the symbol table with stuff defined in the table above
for sym in syms:
# Create and init the descriptor
des = VarDescriptor()
pos = 1
for attr in ("Value", "Writeable", "Type", "Default", "LegalVals", "Min", "Max"):
val = sym[pos]
if val != None:
exec("des." + attr + "=val")
pos += 1
symtbl[sym[0]] = des
# Utility And Support Functions #
# Format and return contents of a symbol table entry
files = 1
syms = {"foo" : 1,
"fox" : 1.0,
"bar" : "stringy",
"baz" : 4+5j,
"boo" : True
symtbl = {}
for sym in syms:
# Create and init the descriptor
d = tconfpy.VarDescriptor()
d.Value = syms[sym]
d.Type = type(syms[sym])
# Set default value according to type
for typ in ((tconfpy.TYPE_BOOL, True), (tconfpy.TYPE_COMPLEX, 0+0j),
(tconfpy.TYPE_FLOAT, 0.00), (tconfpy.TYPE_INT, 0),
(tconfpy.TYPE_STRING, "astring")):
if typ[0] == d.Type:
d.Default = typ[1]
# Load the table with this entry
symtbl[sym] = d
# Put some values in for testing legal variables and bounds
symtbl["foo"].LegalVals = [1,2, 23]
symtbl["foo"].Min = 1
symtbl["foo"].Max = 30
symtbl["fox"].LegalVals = [3.14, 34.0]
symtbl["fox"].Min = -1
symtbl["fox"].Max = 300
symtbl["bar"].LegalVals = [r'^foo$', r'a+'] # Add this to see regex error [r'ss^*']
symtbl["bar"].Min = 2
symtbl["bar"].Max = 8
# Here's a way to inherit the base symbol definition from
# the module and then derive a new object type for your
# own convenience
class mycmplx(tconfpy.VarDescriptor):
def __init__(self):
self.Value = 2-2j
self.Default = 39-4j
self.Type = tconfpy.TYPE_COMPLEX
# Instantiate some of these
mc1 = mycmplx()
mc2 = mycmplx()
mc2.Value = 8-3.14159j
mc2.Writeable = False
# And stuff them into the symbol table
symtbl["MyComplex1"] = mc1
symtbl["MyComplex2"] = mc2
# Make sure we got legit arguments
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print BANNER
print "Usage: [debug] [litvars] file file ..."
print "Usage: [symtbl] [debug] [litvars] file file ..."
# Process all the requested configuration files,
# dumping the what tconfpy returns for each one.
DEBUG = False
DEBUG = False
# The default is no pre-defined symbols
st = {}
for fn in sys.argv[files:]:
# Handle inline options
DEBUG = True
elif fn == "litvars":
elif fn == "symtbl":
st = symtbl
# Everything else presumed to be a configuration file
retval = tconfpy.ParseConfig(fn, symtbl, Debug=DEBUG, LiteralVars=LITVARS)
retval = ParseConfig(fn, st, Debug=DEBUG, LiteralVars=LITVARS)
if retval[1]:
print "Errors Were Found In '%s'!" % fn