Restructured the error/warning/debug message reporting logic
to report message type along with the detail.
Generally cleaned up various message types.
1 parent 728c730 commit d2b7ad2d4acf0de455940cebf0aa0eea645911ee
@tundra tundra authored on 16 Mar 2004
Showing 1 changed file
# Program Information
PROGNAME = "tconfpy"
RCSID = "$Id:,v 1.118 2004/03/16 03:18:19 tundra Exp $"
RCSID = "$Id:,v 1.119 2004/03/16 10:35:47 tundra Exp $"
VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
# Copyright Information
# Formatting Constants
MSGPOS = 10 # Where to start message output
FILENUM = "[File: %s Line: %s]" # Display filename and linenum
PTR = " ---> " # Textual pointer for debug output
# Error, Warning, And Debug Message Strings Stored In A Global Dictionary
Messages = {}
# Prompts, & Application Strings #
# Debug Messages
# Debug Literals And Messages
# Literals
dBLANKLINE = "Parsed To Blank Line - Ignored"
dLINEIGNORE = FILENUM + " '%s' " + PTR + "%s\n"
dNOTINCLUDE = "Current Conditional Block False: Line Not Included"
dNUMLINES = "Processing File '%s' Resulted In %d Total Lines Parsed"
dPARSEDLINE = FILENUM + " '%s'" + PTR + "'%s'\n"
# Error Messages
# Messages
Messages["dLINEIGNORE"] = FILENUM + " '%s' " + PTR + "%s\n"
Messages["dNUMLINES"] = "Processing File '%s' Resulted In %d Total Lines Parsed"
Messages["dPARSEDLINE"] = FILENUM + " '%s'" + PTR + "'%s'\n"
# Error Literals And Messages
# Literals
eSYNTAX = "Incorrect '%s' Syntax"
eBADEXPR = FILENUM + " Bad Expression - %s: '%s'"
eCONFOPEN = "Cannot Open The File '%s'"
eENDIFEXTRA = FILENUM + " '" + ENDIF + "' Without Matching Condition"
eENDIFMISS = FILENUM + " Missing %d '" + ENDIF + "' Statement(s)"
eNOVARREF = "Must Have At Least One Variable Reference"
eVARUNDEF = FILENUM + " " + "Attempt To Reference Undefined Variable '%s'"
# Warning Messages
# Messages
Messages["eBADCOND"] = FILENUM + " Bad Directive - %s %s"
Messages["eCONFOPEN"] = "Cannot Open The File '%s'"
Messages["eENDIFEXTRA"] = FILENUM + " '" + ENDIF + "' Without Matching Condition"
Messages["eENDIFMISS"] = FILENUM + " Missing %d '" + ENDIF + "' Statement(s)"
Messages["eVARUNDEF"] = FILENUM + " " + "Attempt To Reference Undefined Variable '%s'"
# Warning Literals And Messages
# Literals
wEXTRATEXT = FILENUM + " '%s' Statements Only Process Variables. Extra Text Ignored"
wTRAILING = FILENUM + " Trailing Text After '%s' Statement Ignored"
# Messages
Messages["wEXTRATEXT"] = FILENUM + " '%s' Statements Only Process Variables. Extra Text Ignored"
Messages["wTRAILING"] = FILENUM + " Trailing Text After '%s' Statement Ignored"
# Determine Length Of Longest Message Type
# Needed for formatting later
for msg in Messages:
l = len(msg)
if l > MAXMSG:
#--------------------------- Code Begins Here ---------------------------------#
# Create A Debug Message
def DebugMsg(dmsg):
def DebugMsg(dmsg, args):
global DebugMsgs
DebugMsgs.append(mkmsg(dmsg, dDEBUG))
DebugMsgs.append(mkmsg(Messages[dmsg] % args, dmsg))
# End of 'DebugMsg()'
# Create An Error Message
def ErrorMsg(error):
def ErrorMsg(error, args):
global ErrMsgs
ErrMsgs.append(mkmsg(error + "!", eERROR))
ErrMsgs.append(mkmsg(Messages[error] % args + "!", error))
# End of 'ErrorMsg()'
# Create A Warning Message
def WarningMsg(warning):
def WarningMsg(warning, args):
global WarnMsgs
WarnMsgs.append(mkmsg(warning + "!", wWARNING))
WarnMsgs.append(mkmsg(Messages[warning] % args + "!", warning))
# End of 'WarningMsg()'
# Construct A Standard Application Message String
def mkmsg(msg, msgtype=""):
if msgtype:
msgtype += ">"
pad = " " * (MSGPOS - len(msgtype))
return "%s %s%s%s" % (PROGINFO, msgtype, pad, msg)
def mkmsg(msg, msgtype):
pad = " " * (MAXMSG - len(msgtype) + 2)
return "%s %s%s%s" % (PROGINFO, MSGPROMPT % msgtype, pad, msg)
# End of 'mkmsg()'
# Return the parsing results
DebugMsg(dNUMLINES %(cfgfile, TotalLines))
DebugMsg("dNUMLINES", (cfgfile, TotalLines))
return (SymTable, ErrMsgs, WarnMsgs, DebugMsgs)
# Attempts to reference undefined variables are legitimate
# in this case and ought not to generate an error message.
if reporterr:
ErrorMsg(eVARUNDEF % (cfgfile, linenum, sym))
ErrorMsg("eVARUNDEF", (cfgfile, linenum, sym))
ref_ok = False
return line, ref_ok
# File open failed for some reason
ErrorMsg(eCONFOPEN % cfgfile) # Record the error
ErrorMsg("eCONFOPEN", (cfgfile,)) # Record the error
# Make sure we had all condition blocks balanced with matching '.endif'
finalcond = len(CondStack)
if finalcond != 1:
ErrorMsg(eENDIFMISS % (cfgfile, linenum, finalcond-1))
ErrorMsg("eENDIFMISS", (cfgfile, linenum, finalcond-1))
# End of 'ParseFile()'
if line.startswith(ENDIF):
# Check for space after conditional
if line.split()[0] != ENDIF:
ErrorMsg(eBADEXPR % (cfgfile, linenum, eENDIFBAD, orig))
ErrorMsg("eBADCOND", (cfgfile, linenum, eENDIFBAD, "'%s'" % orig))
# This should be the only thing on the line
elif line != ENDIF:
WarningMsg(wTRAILING % (cfgfile, linenum, ENDIF))
WarningMsg("wTRAILING", (cfgfile, linenum, ENDIF))
# Remove one level of nesting
# Error, if there are more .endifs than conditionals
if not CondStack:
ErrorMsg(eENDIFEXTRA % (cfgfile, linenum))
ErrorMsg("eENDIFEXTRA", (cfgfile, linenum))
CondStack.append(False) # Inhibit further parsing
# Check State Of Parser
if not CondStack[-1]:
DebugMsg(dLINEIGNORE % (cfgfile, linenum, orig, dNOTINCLUDE))
DebugMsg("dLINEIGNORE", (cfgfile, linenum, orig, dNOTINCLUDE))
# .include Processing
if line.startswith(INCLUDE):
# Make sure a space follows the directive
if line.split()[0] != INCLUDE:
ErrorMsg(eBADEXPR % (cfgfile, linenum, eINCLBAD, orig))
ErrorMsg("eBADCOND", (cfgfile, linenum, eINCLBAD, "'%s'" % orig))
# There must be at least one var reference in the condition
vars = VarRef.findall(line)
if len(vars) > 0:
# Only variable references are significant - warn on other text.
# Strip out variable references and see if anything
# other than whitespace is left.
plain = line
# Only variable references are significant - warn on other text.
# Strip out variable references and see if anything
# other than whitespace is left.
plain = line
if vars:
for v in vars:
plain=plain.replace(v, "")
if len(plain.strip()):
WarningMsg(wEXTRATEXT % (cfgfile, linenum, IFTYPE))
if len(plain.strip()):
WarningMsg("wEXTRATEXT", (cfgfile, linenum, IFTYPE))
if vars:
# Go see how many references actually resolve
resolved = 0
resolved += 1
# And set state accordingly
state = sTRUE
state = True
if IFTYPE == IFALL and len(vars) != resolved:
state = sFALSE
state = False
if IFTYPE == IFANY and not resolved:
state = sFALSE
state = False
if IFTYPE == IFNONE and resolved:
state = sFALSE
state = False
line = state
# Bogus conditional syntax
# Now reflect this in the parsed line
line = sTRUE
if not state:
line = sFALSE
# Bogus conditional syntax - no variable refs found
ErrorMsg(eBADEXPR % (cfgfile, linenum, eNOVARREF, orig))
ErrorMsg("eBADCOND", (cfgfile, linenum, "'%s'" % orig, eNOVARREF))
# (In)Equality Conditionals
elif line.count(NOTEQUIV):
# Line Started With IF, But Was Not In Any Knwon IF Form
# Line Started With IF, But Was Not In Any Known IF Form
ErrorMsg(eBADEXPR % (cfgfile, linenum, eIFBAD, orig))
ErrorMsg("eBADCOND", (cfgfile, linenum, eIFBAD, "'%s'" % orig))
# Handle New Variable Declaration/Assignment
# End Of Line Parser
# Write Fully Parsed Line To Debug Log If Requested
# Note blank lines for debug purposes
if not line:
DebugMsg(dLINEIGNORE % (cfgfile, linenum, orig, dBLANKLINE))
DebugMsg("dLINEIGNORE", (cfgfile, linenum, orig, dBLANKLINE))
# All non-blank lines noted here
DebugMsg(dPARSEDLINE % (cfgfile, linenum, orig, line))
DebugMsg("dPARSEDLINE", (cfgfile, linenum, orig, line))
# End of 'ParseLine'