Suppress attempts to name variables with leading $ or #.
1 parent 486ecbe commit f29650f133e73ed59db8d22fedad5a2d568c2e07
@tundra tundra authored on 6 Apr 2004
Showing 1 changed file
# Program Information
PROGNAME = "tconfpy"
RCSID = "$Id:,v 1.160 2004/04/02 09:21:19 tundra Exp $"
RCSID = "$Id:,v 1.161 2004/04/06 19:50:17 tundra Exp $"
VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
# Copyright Information
Messages["eSTRINGSHORT"] = FILENUM + "Right-Hand-Side Too Short. '%s' Must Be At Least %s Characters Long"
Messages["eTYPEBAD"] = FILENUM + "Type Mismatch. '%s' Must Be Assigned Values Of Type %s Only"
Messages["eVALLARGE"] = FILENUM + "%s Is Larger Than The Maximum Allowed, %s, For Variable '%s'"
Messages["eVALSMALL"] = FILENUM + "%s Is Smaller Than The Minimum Allowed, %s, For Variable '%s'"
Messages["eVARDOLLAR"] = FILENUM + "Variable Name Cannot Begin With The '%s' Symbol" % DOLLAR
Messages["eVARRESERVED"] = FILENUM + "Variable Name Cannot Begin With The '%s' Symbol"
Messages["eVARNAMESPC"] = FILENUM + "Variable Names May Not Contain Whitespace"
Messages["eVARNONAME"] = FILENUM + "Variable Name Evaluates To Null String. Not Permitted"
Messages["eVARREADONLY"] = FILENUM + "Variable '%s' Is Read-Only. Cannot Change Its Value"
Messages["eVARUNDEF"] = FILENUM + "Attempt To Reference Undefined Variable '%s'"
if btyp != IF:
ErrorMsg("eELSENOIF", (cfgfile, linenum))
CondStack.append(["", False]) # Error makes all that follows False
# We *are* in an IF block and ELSE is appropriate.
# We *are* in an IF block an ELSE is appropriate.
# To determine whether the ELSE should be taken or not we have
# to look at the state of that IF block AND the state of
# the block that contains the IF. This is because the IF
# block state is the AND of the state of its parent block
if not l:
ErrorMsg("eVARNONAME", (cfgfile, linenum))
# Suppress attempts to set variables named with leading DOLLAR
elif l[0] == DOLLAR:
ErrorMsg("eVARDOLLAR", (cfgfile, linenum))
# Suppress attempts to set variables named starting
# with certain reserved symbols because dereferencing
# such variable names is impossible
elif l[0] in (COMMENT, ENVIRO):
ErrorMsg("eVARRESERVED", (cfgfile, linenum, l[0]))
# Suppress any attempt to change a RO variable
elif l in SymTable and not SymTable[l].Writeable: