further exposition on versioning
1 parent cff9cdd commit 5d40f329193c714a498ff7185e948b1b417e8f7d
@tundra tundra authored on 2 Jan 2018
Showing 1 changed file
idea is to allow multiple verisons of your toolsets to exist under
`${INSTALLDIR}`. You simply create a symlink in that directory named
`${TOOLS}` to point to the version you want. This makes certain
automation use cases with `tsshbatch` or `ansible` somewhat simpler.
HOWEVER, during the actual build process described here, *it is
important that the directory be named canonically*. That is, it
should be located and named *where you intend to deploy it*. The
binaries care - a lot - about where to look for their libraries and
such. So, for instance, if you are deploying to `/foo/bar/tools`,
don't build it under `/foo/bar/tools-20180324`. You build under
`/foo/bar/tools`. The release process will create a tarball that
contains `foo/bar/tools-YYYYMMDD` which you can untar to other
machines (under `/foo/bar/`). You can then either just rename it to
`tools`, or create a symlink called `tools` that points to it.
Paying attention to this most likely bite you the first time you untar
a bootstrap tarball to perform a full build. DAMHIKT.
## Building The Bootstrap Image