move nload into bootstrap phase, add comments to config variables in makefile
1 parent d5cb7f3 commit 9181f437a98c4cd5138e5cb4522ea0868d97756d
@tundra tundra authored on 5 Jan 2018
Showing 2 changed files
(so long as you have write permission there).
Before doing anything, edit the variables as the top of the `makefile`
to reflect where you want the built tarballs to be exported, where you
intend to install the tools, and what set of tools you want installed.
intend to install the tools, what to build during the bootstrap phase,
and what set of tools you want installed.
NOTE: The `makefile` assumes RedHat/CentOS style package management. That's
because we run this inside of CentOS `docker` containers, even if we're
working on debian or Ubuntu systems. You'll have to update the file if you
installed and/or in `${PATH}`*! We want to use only the compiler and
tools created in the previous step. `Docker` containers are handy here:
One for the bootstrap build, another for the self compiling
full tools build.
However, there are a few things that *are* required in the OS load,
because of boneheaded assumptions made by some open source packages
about where things live. So:
`sudo yum -y install autoconf automake perl # Or whatever package management system you use`
2. Un-tar the bootstrap tarball created above into the proper location.
Recall that this was saved with a date revision stamp. So, before
proceeding, we have to:
# Produce standard tools tarballs using linuxbrew
# Customize the variables as desired
# Where to store build tarballs
EXPORTDIR = /shared
# Where tools directory lives
INSTALLDIR = /opt/TundraWare
# Name of the tools directory
TOOLS = tools
# Things that have to be built during the bootstrap phase with system tools
BOOTSTRAP = gcc make nload
# Languages to install after bootstrap but before other packages
LANGS = perl python
MYTOOLS = emacs file-formula git htop joe nload nmap screen the_silver_searcher tree vim
# Stuff we want pip to install
PIPMODULES = ansible pew pythonz-bd
# Nothing below here should need changing
# Set of packages we want to include in the distribution tarball
MYTOOLS = emacs file-formula git htop joe nmap screen the_silver_searcher tree vim
# ----------- Nothing below here should need changing ----------- #
BREW = ${TOOLSDIR}/bin/brew -v
DATESTAMP = $(shell date +%Y%m%d)
git clone ${TOOLSDIR}
@echo "Make sure you have the OS development tools installed!"
${BREW} install gcc make
${BREW} install ${BOOTSTRAP}
bootstrap-release: tidyup
cd ${INSTALLDIR} && mv -v ${TOOLS} ${TOOLS}-bootstrap-${DATESTAMP}
cd ${INSTALLDIR} && tar -czvf ${EXPORTDIR}/${TOOLS}-bootstrap-${DATESTAMP}.tar.gz ${TOOLS}-bootstrap-${DATESTAMP}