remove joe and python3 from full build
1 parent 0f8436d commit fdaf9a13cc39c154d0f3cb1da4de8377270f9528
@tundra tundra authored on 10 Feb 2018
Showing 1 changed file
# Things that have to be built during the bootstrap phase with system tools
BOOTSTRAP = gcc make nload
# Languages to install after bootstrap but before other packages
LANGS = go perl python python3
LANGS = go perl python
# Stuff we want pip to install
PIPMODULES = ansible pew pythonz-bd
# Set of packages we want to include in the distribution tarball
MYTOOLS = bash-completion emacs file-formula git htop joe nmap screen socat source-highlight the_silver_searcher tmux tree vim
MYTOOLS = bash-completion emacs file-formula git htop nmap screen socat source-highlight the_silver_searcher tmux tree vim
# ----------- Nothing below here should need changing ----------- #