tren /
@tundra tundra on 30 Jan 2010 21 KB Fixed minor typo in Usage().
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2010 TundraWare Inc.
# For Updates See:

# Program Information

PROGENV  = PROGNAME.split(".py")[0].upper()
RCSID = "$Id:,v 1.124 2010/01/30 18:27:51 tundra Exp $"
VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]

# Copyright Information

CPRT         = "(c)"
DATE         = "2010"
OWNER        = "TundraWare Inc."
COPYRIGHT    = "Copyright %s %s  %s " % (CPRT, DATE, OWNER)

#            Variables User Might Change                   #

#------------------- Nothing Below Here Should Need Changing ------------------#

#                       Imports                            #

import getopt
import os
from   stat import *
import sys

#                 Aliases & Redefinitions                  #

#                Constants & Literals                      #

# General Program Constants

MAXINCLUDES  =  50          # Maximum number of includes allowed
TGTSEQFLG    =  9999        # Indicates non-stat() in SeqTypes table

# Message Formatting Constants

# Make sure these make sense: MAXLINELEN > PADWIDTH + WRAPINDENT
# because of the way line conditioning/wrap works.

MAXLINELEN   =  75          # Maximum length of printed line
PADCHAR      =  " "         # Padding character
PADWIDTH     =  30          # Column width
LSTPAD       =  13          # Padding to use when dumping lists
WRAPINDENT   =   8          # Extra indent on wrapped lines
MINLEN       =  PADWIDTH + WRAPINDENT + 1  # Minimum line length

# Literals

ALL          =  "All"       # Rename target is whole filename
ARROW        =  "--->"      # Text pointer
COMMENT      =  "#"         # Comment character in include files
EXT          =  "Ext"       # Rename target is extension
EXTDELIM     =  "."         # Extension delimeter
INCL         =  "-I"        # Include file command line option
NAM          =  "Nam"       # Rename target is name
SEPCHAR      =   "-"        # Character used for debug separator lines

#              Prompts, & Application Strings              #

# Debug Messages

DEBUGFLAG     =   "-d"
dCMDLINE      =   "Command Line"
dCURSTATE     =   "Current State Of Program Options"
dDEBUG        =   "DEBUG"
dDUMPOBJ      =   "Dumping Object %s"
dINCLUDING    =   "Including file '%s'"
dPROGENV      =   "$" + PROGENV
dRENREQ       =   "Renaming Requests:"
dRESOLVEDOPTS =   "Resolved Command Line"
dSEQATIME     =   "Access Time Sequence:"
dSEQCMD       =   "Command Line Sequence:"
dSEQCTIME     =   "Creation Time Sequence:"
dSEQDEV       =   "Device Sequence:"
dSEQGID       =   "GID Sequence:"
dSEQINO       =   "Inode Sequence:"
dSEQMODE      =   "Mode Sequence:"
dSEQMTIME     =   "Modification Time Sequence:"
dSEQNLINK     =   "Nlinks Sequence"
dSEQSIZE      =   "Size Sequence:"
dSEQTARGS     =   "Rename Targets:"
dSEQUID       =   "UID Sequence:"

# Error Messages

eBADARG       =  "Invalid command line: %s!"
eBADINCL      =  "option %s requires argument" % INCL
eBOGUSLEN     =  "Bogus line length '%s'!"
eERROR        =  "ERROR"
eFILEOPEN     =  "Cannot open file '%s': %s!"
eLINELEN      =  "Specified line length too short!  Must be at least %s" % MINLEN
eTOOMANYINC   =  "Too many includes! (Max is %d) Possible circular reference?" % MAXINCLUDES

# Warning Messages

# Usage Prompts

uTable = [PROGNAME + " " + VERSION + " - %s\n" % COPYRIGHT,
          "usage:  " + PROGNAME + " [-1abCcdEefghqtvwXx] [-I file] [-l string] [-r old=new]... file|dir file|dir ...",
          "   where,",
          "         -1            Rename only the first instance of the specified string (Default)",
          "         -a            Rename within the entire file or directory name (Default)",
          "         -C            Do case-sensitive renaming (Default)",
          "         -c            Collapse case when doing string substitution.",
          "         -d            Dump debugging information",
          "         -e            Only perform renaming within extension portion of or directory name.",
          "         -E            Continue renaming even after an error is encountered",
          "         -f            Force renaming even if target file or directory name already exists.",
          "         -g            Replace all instances (global rename) of the old string with the new.",
          "         -h            Print help information.",
          "         -I file       Include command line arguments from file",
          "         -l string     File extension delimiter string. (Default: .)",
          "         -q            Quiet mode, do not show progress.",
          "         -r <old=new>  Replace old with new in file or directory names.",
          "         -t            Test mode, don't rename, just show what the program *would* do",
          "         -v            Print detailed program version information and exit.",
          "         -w            Line length of diagnostic and error output (Default: 75)",
          "         -X            Treat the renaming strings literally (Default)",
          "         -x            Treat the old replacement string as a Python regular expression",

#          Global Variables & Data Structures              #

# Program toggle and option defaults

DEBUG             =   False        # Debugging off
CASESENSITIVE     =   True         # Search is case-sensitive
ERRORCONTINUE     =   False        # Do not continue after error
FORCERENAM        =   False        # Do not rename if target already exists
GLOBAL            =   False        # Only rename first instance of old string
QUIET             =   False        # Display progress
REGEX             =   False        # Do not treat old string as a regex
TARGET            =   ALL          # Can be "All", "Name", or "Ext"
TESTMODE          =   False

# Global data structures

#--------------------------- Code Begins Here ---------------------------------#

#             Object Base Class Definitions                #

# Container For Holding Rename Targets

class RenameTargets:

        This class is used to keep track of all the files and/or
        directories we're renaming.  When __init__ finishes,
        RenNames dictionary will be populated as follows:

        fully-qualified name : [ basename,
                                 stat information for the entry,
                                 position in command line args list (0-based)
                                 ascending alpha order of rename targets (O-based)
                                 descending alpha order of rename targets (0-based)
                                 ascending order of appearance by-mode (O-based)
                                 descending order of appearance by-mode (0-based)
                                 ascending order of appearance by-inode (O-based)
                                 descending order of appearance by-inode (0-based)
                                 ascending order of appearance by-devno (O-based)
                                 descending order of appearance by-devno (0-based)
                                 ascending order of appearance by-nlinks (O-based)
                                 descending order of appearance by-nlinks (0-based)
                                 ascending order of appearance by-uid (O-based)
                                 descending order of appearance by-uid (0-based)
                                 ascending order of appearance by-gid (O-based)
                                 descending order of appearance by-gid (0-based)
                                 ascending order of appearance by-atime (0-based)
                                 descending order of appearance by-atime (0-based)
                                 ascending order of appearance by-ctime (0-based)
                                 descending order of appearance by-ctime (0-based)
                                 ascending order of appearance by-mtime (0-based)
                                 descending order of appearance by-mtime (0-based)
                                 ascending order of appearance by-size  (0-based)
                                 descending order of appearance by-size  (0-based)

    def __init__(self, targs):

        # Dictionary of all rename targets and their stat info

        self.RenNames   =   {}

        # Ordered lists used by sequence renaming tokens

        args       =   {}      # Keys = 0, Values = Rename targets from command line
        modes      =   {}      # Keys = modes, Values = List of corresponding files
        inodes     =   {}      # Keys = inodes, Values = List of corresponding files
        devs       =   {}      # Keys = devs, Values = List of corresponding files
        nlinks     =   {}      # Keys = nlinks, Values = List of corresponding files
        uids       =   {}      # Keys = uids, Values = List of corresponding files
        gids       =   {}      # Keys = gids, Values = List of corresponding files
        atimes     =   {}      # Keys = atimes, Values = List of corresponding files
        ctimes     =   {}      # Keys = ctimes, Values = List of corresponding files
        mtimes     =   {}      # Keys = mtimes, Values = List of corresponding files
        sizes      =   {}      # Keys = sizes, Values = List of corresponding files

        # Populate the data structures

        cmdorder = 0
        for t in targs:

                fullname = os.path.abspath(t)
                basename = os.path.basename(t)
                stats    = os.stat(fullname)
            except (IOError, OSError) as e:
                ErrorMsg(eFILEOPEN % (t, e.args[1]))

            # This data structure is used to keep track of everything
            # we need to build the sequence renaming token support.
            # This makes it easy to add more types later on.

            SeqTypes = [ [TGTSEQFLG, args,     dSEQTARGS],
                         [ST_MODE,   modes,    dSEQMODE],
                         [ST_INO,    inodes,   dSEQINO],
                         [ST_DEV,    devs,     dSEQDEV],
                         [ST_NLINK,  nlinks,   dSEQNLINK],
                         [ST_UID,    uids,     dSEQUID],
                         [ST_GID,    gids,     dSEQGID],
                         [ST_ATIME,  atimes,   dSEQATIME],
                         [ST_CTIME,  ctimes,   dSEQCTIME],
                         [ST_CTIME,  mtimes,   dSEQMTIME],
                         [ST_SIZE,   sizes,    dSEQSIZE],

            # Incrementally build lists of keys that will later be
            # used to create sequence renaming tokens

            for seqtype in SeqTypes:

                # Handle os.stat() values

                if seqtype[0] != TGTSEQFLG:
                    statval = stats[seqtype[0]]

                # Handle non os.stat() stuff
                    statval = TGTSEQFLG

                # Where to put the results
                vals = seqtype[1]

                if statval in vals:
                    vals[statval] = [fullname]
            self.RenNames[fullname] = [basename, stats, cmdorder]
            cmdorder += 1

        # Create the various sorted views we may need 
        # for sequence renaming tokens

        for seqtype in SeqTypes:

            view      = seqtype[1]
            debugmsg  = seqtype[2]
            vieworder = view.keys()

            # Sort alphabetically when multiple filenames
            # map to the same key, creating overall
            # ordering as we go.

            t = []
            for i in vieworder:
                for j in view[i]:

            # Now store the ascending- and descending order it
            # the master dictionary

            tblz = len(t)

            for name in t:
                self.RenNames[name].append(t.index(name))             # Ascending index
                self.RenNames[name].append(tblz - t.index(name) - 1)  # Descending Index

            if DEBUG:
                for item in vieworder:
                    DumpList(DebugMsg, debugmsg, item, view[item])

        if DEBUG:

        # Now get rid of the working dictionaries to free up their memory

        del args, modes, inodes, devs, nlinks, uids, gids, atimes, ctimes, mtimes, sizes

# End of class 'RenameTargets'

#             Supporting Function Definitions              #

# Turn A List Into Columns With Space Padding

def ColumnPad(list, padchar=PADCHAR, padwidth=PADWIDTH):

    retval = ""
    for l in list:
        l = str(l)
        retval += l + ((padwidth - len(l)) * padchar)

    return retval

# End of 'ColumnPad()'

# Condition Line Length With Fancy Wrap And Formatting

def ConditionLine(msg, 
                  padchar=PADCHAR, \
                  padwidth=PADWIDTH, \
                  wrapindent=WRAPINDENT ):

    retval = []
    msg = msg[MAXLINELEN:]

    while msg:
        msg = padchar * (padwidth + wrapindent) + msg
        msg = msg[MAXLINELEN:]

    return retval

# End of 'ConditionLine()'

# Print A Debug Message

def DebugMsg(msg):
   l = ConditionLine(msg)
   for msg in l:
        PrintStderr(PROGNAME + " " + dDEBUG + ": " + msg)

# End of 'DebugMsg()'

# Debug Dump Of A List

def DumpList(handler, msg, listname, content):

    itemarrow = ColumnPad([listname, ARROW], padwidth=LSTPAD)
    handler(ColumnPad([" ", " %s %s" % (itemarrow, content)]))

# End of 'DumpList()'

# Dump The Contents Of A Rename Object

def DumpRenameObj(obj):

    DebugMsg(dDUMPOBJ % str(obj))

    # Dump abspath, basename, & stat information

    for name in obj.RenNames:
        for item in  obj.RenNames[name]:
            DebugMsg(ColumnPad([" ", item]))

    DebugMsg(SEPARATOR + "\n\n")

# End of 'DumpRenameObj()'

# Dump The State Of The Program

def DumpState():


    # Names of all the state variables we want dumped
    state = [

    for k in state:
        DebugMsg(ColumnPad([k, eval(k)]))

    DebugMsg(SEPARATOR + "\n\n")

# End of 'DumpState()'

# Print An Error Message

def ErrorMsg(emsg):

    l = ConditionLine(emsg)

    for emsg in l:
        PrintStderr(PROGNAME + " " + eERROR + ": " + emsg)

# End of 'ErrorMsg()'

# Parse Renaming Requests

def ParseRenReq(val, filename):

    """ This routine parses a old=new
        renaming pair, resolves any
        outstanding renaming tokens,
        and returns them in the form
        of:  [old, new]

    return val.split("=")

# End of 'ParseRenReq()'

# Print To stderr

def PrintStderr(msg, trailing="\n"):
    sys.stderr.write(msg + trailing)

# End of 'PrintStderr()'

# Print To stdout

def PrintStdout(msg, trailing="\n"):
    sys.stdout.write(msg + trailing)

# End of 'PrintStdout'

# Process Include Files On The Command Line

def ProcessIncludes(OPTIONS):

    # Resolve include file references allowing for nested includes.
    # This has to be done here separate from the command line options so
    # that getopt() processing below will "see" the included statements.

    while " ". join(OPTIONS).find(INCL) > -1:
        # Get the index of the next include to process.
        # It cannot be the last item because this means the filename
        # to include is missing.
        i = OPTIONS.index(INCL)
        if i == len(OPTIONS)-1:
            ErrorMsg(eBADARG % eBADINCL)
        file = OPTIONS[i+1] ; lhs = OPTIONS[:i] ; rhs = OPTIONS[i+2:]
        # Keep track of- and limit the number of includes allowed
        # This is an easy way to stop circular (infinite) includes.
        NUMINCLUDES += 1
        # Replace insert option on the command line with that file's contents.
        # Handle comments within lines.
            n = []
            f = open(file)
            for l in f.readlines():
                l = l.split(COMMENT)[0]
                n += l.split()
            if DEBUG:
                DebugMsg(dINCLUDING % file)

            OPTIONS = lhs + n + rhs
        except IOError as e:
            ErrorMsg(eFILEOPEN % (file, e.args[1]))

    return OPTIONS

# End of 'ProcessIncludes()'

# Print Usage Information

def Usage():
    for line in uTable:

# End of 'Usage()'

#                    Program Entry Point                   #

# Command Line Preprocessing
# Some things have to be done *before* the command line
# options can actually be processed.  This includes:
#  1) Prepending any options specified in the environment variable.
#  2) Resolving any include file references
#  3) Separating the command line into [options ... filenames ..]
#     groupings so that user can interweave multiple options
#     and names on the command line.
#  4) Building the data structures that depend on the file/dir names
#     specified for renaming.  We have to do this first, because
#     -r renaming operations specified on the command line will
#     need this information if they make use of renaming tokens.

# Process any options set in the environment first, and then those
# given on the command line

OPTIONS = sys.argv[1:]

envopt = os.getenv(PROGENV)
if envopt:
    OPTIONS = envopt.split() + OPTIONS

# Check for debug manually to see if we want
# debug info about includes

    DEBUG = True

# Deal with include files

OPTIONS = ProcessIncludes(OPTIONS)

# Check for debug manually again before we process the options
# to get debug info on command line expansion

    DEBUG = True

RenRequests = []

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(OPTIONS, '1abbCcdEefghl:qr:tvw:Xx]')
except getopt.GetoptError as e:
    ErrorMsg(eBADARG % e.args[0])

# Now process the options

for opt, val in opts:

    if opt == "-1":
        GLOBAL = False
    if opt == "-a":
        TARGET = ALL
    if opt == "-b":
        TARGET = NAM
    if opt == "-C":
        CASESENSITIVE = True
    if opt == "-c":
        CASESENSITIVE = False
    if opt == "-d":
    if opt == "-E":
        ERRORCONTINUE = True
    if opt == "-e":
        TARGET = EXT
    if opt == "-f":
        FORCERENAM = True
    if opt == "-g":
        GLOBAL = True
    if opt == "-h":
    if opt == "-l":
        EXTDELIM = val
    if opt == "-q":
        QUIET = True
    if opt == "-r":
    if opt == "-t":
        TESTMODE = True
    if opt == "-v":
    if opt == "-w":
            l = int(val)
            ErrorMsg(eBOGUSLEN % val)
        if l < MINLEN:
        MAXLINELEN = l
    if opt == "-X":
        REGEX = False
    if opt == "-x":
        REGEX = True


    # Dump what we know about the command line

    DebugMsg(ColumnPad([dCMDLINE, sys.argv]))
    DebugMsg(ColumnPad([dPROGENV, os.getenv("TREN")]))
    DebugMsg(ColumnPad([dRESOLVEDOPTS, OPTIONS]))

# Create and populate an object with rename targets.  We have to
# do *before* we process any renaming requests because they may make
# reference to renaming tokens that only can be resolved with the
# contents of the 'targs' data structure.

targs = None
if args:
    targs = RenameTargets(args)

# Display outstanding renaming requests if we're debugging

    DumpList(DebugMsg, dRENREQ , "",  RenRequests)

# Release the target container if we created one

if targs:
    del targs