- [NEW]
- -
- -
- -
- ----
- - Allow variable refs on RHS of .defines
- - Honor ansible style inventory groups/vbls
- - Setup connection as login shell
- - Invert meaning of -V and -v
- - Host Attributes - name:att=val:att=val ... (honor vbls)
- - Specify ssh port - cmd line, cmd file?, host attr?
- Future
- ------
- - Show incremental output as program executes
- - File Xfer: Renaming - Cmdfile?
- - File Xfer: Globing - what about dirs, do we recurse? - Cmdfile?
- - implement sudoers Mode:
- - Capture bad password
- - Capture failed command output
- - Write the server noise, as it appears to stderr for debug purposes
- - Note in docs: In this mode it will HANG waiting for interactive input.
- - Note in docs: There is no separation between stdout and sterr in this mode