twander /
#!/usr/bin/env python
# twander - Wander around the file system
# Copyright (c) 2002-2004 TundraWare Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# For Updates See:

# Program Information

PROGNAME = "twander"
RCSID    = "$Id:,v 3.138 2004/03/10 10:56:08 tundra Exp $"
VERSION  = RCSID.split()[2]

# Copyright Information

DATE         = "2002-2004"
CPRT         = chr(169)
OWNER        = "TundraWare Inc."
RIGHTS       = "All Rights Reserved."
COPYRIGHT    = "Copyright %s %s %s  %s" % (CPRT, DATE, OWNER, RIGHTS)

#                     Imports                              #

import getopt
import mutex
import os
import re
from socket import getfqdn
from stat import *
import sys
import thread
import time

from Tkinter import *
from tkMessageBox import askyesno, showerror, showinfo, showwarning
from tkSimpleDialog import askstring

# Imports conditional on OS

# Set OS type - this allows us to trigger OS-specific code
# where needed.


# If we're on Win32, try to load win32all stuff if possible

if OSNAME == 'nt':
        from win32api import GetLogicalDriveStrings as GetDrives
        from win32api import GetUserName, GetFileAttributes, GetComputerName, GetDiskFreeSpace, GetVolumeInformation
        from win32file import GetDriveType
        from win32wnet import WNetGetUniversalName
        import win32con
        from win32security import *
        WIN32HOST = GetComputerName()
        WIN32ALL = TRUE
        WIN32ALL = FALSE

# Get unix password and group features

if OSNAME == 'posix':
    import grp
    import pwd

#          Variables User Might Change                     #

# Default Key Assignments

# General Program Commands

CLRHIST     = '<Control-y>'              # Clear Command History
FONTDECR    = '<Control-bracketleft>'    # Decrease Font Size
FONTINCR    = '<Control-bracketright>'   # Increase Font Size
MOUSECTX    = '<ButtonRelease-3>'        # Pop-up Command Menu
MOUSEDIR    = '<Shift-ButtonRelease-3>'  # Pop-up Directory Menu
KEYPRESS    = '<KeyPress>'               # Any keypress (for commands)
QUITPROG    = '<Control-q>'              # Quit the program
READCONF    = '<Control-r>'              # Re-read the configuration file
REFRESH     = '<Control-l>'              # Refresh screen
TOGDETAIL   = '<Control-t>'              # Toggle detail view
TOGWIN32ALL = '<Control-w>'              # Toggle win32all features, if available

# Directory Navigation

CHANGEDIR   = '<Control-x>'              # Enter a new path
DIRHOME     = '<Control-h>'              # Goto $HOME
DIRBACK     = '<Control-b>'              # Goto previous directory
DIRROOT     = '<Control-j>'              # Goto root directory
DIRSTART    = '<Control-s>'              # Goto starting directory
DIRUP       = '<Control-u>'              # Go up one directory level
DRIVELIST   = '<Control-k>'              # On Win32, display Drive List View if possible
MOUSEBACK   = '<Control-Double-ButtonRelease-1>'  # Go back one directory with mouse
MOUSEUP     = '<Control-Double-ButtonRelease-3>'  # Go up one directory with mouse

# Selection Keys

SELALL      = '<Control-comma>'          # Select all items
SELINV      = '<Control-i>'              # Invert the current selection
SELNONE     = '<Control-period>'         # Unselect all items
SELNEXT     = '<Control-n>'              # Select next item
SELPREV     = '<Control-p>'              # Select previous item
SELEND      = '<Control-e>'              # Select bottom item
SELTOP      = '<Control-a>'              # Select top item
SELWILD     = '<Control-backslash>'      # Select using wildcards

# Scrolling Commands

PGDN        = '<Control-v>'              # Move page down
PGUP        = '<Control-c>'              # Move page up
PGRT        = '<Control-g>'              # Move page right
PGLFT       = '<Control-f>'              # Move page left

# Execute Commands

RUNCMD      = '<Control-z>'              # Run arbitrary user command
SELKEY      = '<Return>'                 # Select item w/keyboard
MOUSESEL    = '<Double-ButtonRelease-1>' # Select item w/mouse

# Directory Shortcuts

KDIRSC1     = '<F1>'
KDIRSC2     = '<F2>'
KDIRSC3     = '<F3>'
KDIRSC4     = '<F4>'
KDIRSC5     = '<F5>'
KDIRSC6     = '<F6>'
KDIRSC7     = '<F7>'
KDIRSC8     = '<F8>'
KDIRSC9     = '<F9>'
KDIRSC10    = '<F10>'
KDIRSC11    = '<F11>'
KDIRSC12    = '<F12>'

# Program Memories

MEMCLR1     = '<Control-F1>'
MEMCLR2     = '<Control-F2>'
MEMCLR3     = '<Control-F3>'
MEMCLR4     = '<Control-F4>'
MEMCLR5     = '<Control-F5>'
MEMCLR6     = '<Control-F6>'
MEMCLR7     = '<Control-F7>'
MEMCLR8     = '<Control-F8>'
MEMCLR9     = '<Control-F9>'
MEMCLR10    = '<Control-F10>'
MEMCLR11    = '<Control-F11>'
MEMCLR12    = '<Control-F12>'

MEMCLRALL   = '<Control-m>'              # Clear all memories

MEMSET1     = '<Alt-F1>'                 # Set program memories
MEMSET2     = '<Alt-F2>'
MEMSET3     = '<Alt-F3>'
MEMSET4     = '<Alt-F4>'
MEMSET5     = '<Alt-F5>'
MEMSET6     = '<Alt-F6>'
MEMSET7     = '<Alt-F7>'
MEMSET8     = '<Alt-F8>'
MEMSET9     = '<Alt-F9>'
MEMSET10    = '<Alt-F10>'
MEMSET11    = '<Alt-F11>'
MEMSET12    = '<Alt-F12>'

# Sorting Keys

SORTBYNONE   = '<Shift-F10>'             # Select sorting parameters
SORTBYPERMS  = '<Shift-F1>'
SORTBYLINKS  = '<Shift-F2>'
SORTBYOWNER  = '<Shift-F3>'
SORTBYGROUP  = '<Shift-F4>'
SORTBYTIME   = '<Shift-F6>'
SORTBYNAME   = '<Shift-F7>'
SORTREV      = '<Shift-F11>'
SORTSEP      = '<Shift-F12>'

# GUI Defaults

# Initial Size And Postition In Pixels

HEIGHT   = 600
WIDTH    = 800
STARTX   = 0
STARTY   = 0

# Default Colors

# Main Display Colors

BCOLOR  = "black"
FCOLOR  = "green"

# Menu Colors

MBARCOL = "beige"
MBCOLOR = "beige"
MFCOLOR = "black"

# Help Screen Colors

HBCOLOR = "lightgreen"
HFCOLOR = "black"

# Default Display Fonts

# Main Display Font

FNAME = "Courier"
FSZ   = 12
FWT   = "bold"

# Menu Font

MFNAME = "Courier"
MFSZ   = 12
MFWT   = "bold"

# Help Screen Font

HFNAME = "Courier"
HFSZ   = 10
HFWT   = "italic"

#------------------- Nothing Below Here Should Need Changing ------------------#

#              Constants & Literals                        #

# Booleans

# Don't need to define TRUE & FALSE - they are defined in the Tkinter module

# Symbolic Constants Needed Below

# Defaults

AUTOREFRESH   = TRUE            # Automatically refresh the directory display?
CMDSHELL      = ""              # No CMDSHELL processing
DEBUGLEVEL    = 0               # No debug output
MAXMENU       = 32              # Maximum length of displayed menu
MAXMENUBUF    = 250             # Maximum size of internal menu buffer
MAXNESTING    = 32              # Maximum depth of nested variable definitions
NODETAILS     = FALSE           # TRUE means details can never be displayed
NONAVIGATE    = FALSE           # TRUE means that all directory navigation is prevented
REFRESHINT    = 5000            # Interval (ms) for automatic refresh
QUOTECHAR     = '\"'            # Character to use when quoting Built-In Variables
SORTBYFIELD   = "Name"          # Field to use as sort key
SORTREVERSE   = FALSE           # Reverse specified sort order?
SORTSEPARATE  = TRUE            # Separate Directories and Files in sorted displays?
USETHREADS    = FALSE           # Use threads on Unix?
USEWIN32ALL   = TRUE            # Use win32all features if available?
WARN          = TRUE            # Warnings on?
WIN32ALLON    = TRUE            # Flag for toggling win32all features while running

# Constants

# General Constants

CMDESCAPE     = '"'             # Character to force literal dialog processing
CMDSHELLESC   = CMDESCAPE       # Disable CMDSHELL processing for a  manual command entry
KB            = 1024            # 1 KB constant
MB            = KB * KB         # 1 MB constant
GB            = MB * KB         # 1 GB constant
NUMFUNCKEY    = 12              # Number of function keys
NUMPROGMEM    = 12              # Number of program memories
POLLINT       = 20              # Interval (ms) the poll routine should run
PSEP          = os.sep          # Character separating path components
SHOWDRIVES    = '\\\\'          # Logical directory name for Win32 Drive Lists
STRICTMATCH   = CMDESCAPE       # Tells wildcard system to enforce strict matching

# Sort Field Names In Normal View

fNONE        = "No Sort"
fPERMISSIONS = "Permissions"
fLINKS       = "Links"
fOWNER       = "Owner"
fGROUP       = "Group"
fLENGTH      = "Length"
fDATE        = "Time"
fNAME        = "Name"

# Sort Field Names In Drive List View

dlvNONE      = "No Sort"
dlvLABEL     = "Label/Share"
dlvTYPE      = "Drive Type"
dlvFREE      = "Free Space"
dlvTOTAL     = "Total Space"
dlvLETTER    = "Drive Letter"

# 'Fake' sorting field used to set SORTREVERSE and SORTSEPARATE

fREVERSE     = "Reverse"
fSEPARATE    = "Separate"

# Build a dictionary whose keys are the names of all the legal sort fields
# and whose entries are tuples in the form:
#   (field #,
#    Name Of Sort Option In Normal View,
#    Name Of Sort Option In Drive List View)
# Placing a None value in either of the last two tuple entries causes the
# keystroke combination associated with that sort option to be ignored AND
# prevents that option from appearing in the Sort Menu.
# Note that fNONE indicates that no sorting is to be done, so there
# is no real associated sortkey field.

Name2Key = {}
index = -1

for x, y in [(fNONE, dlvNONE), (fPERMISSIONS, dlvLABEL), (fLINKS, dlvTYPE), (fOWNER, dlvFREE),
             (fGROUP, dlvTOTAL), (fLENGTH, dlvLETTER), (fDATE, None), (fNAME, None),
             (fREVERSE, fREVERSE), (fSEPARATE, None)]:
    Name2Key[x.lower()] = (index, x, y)
    index += 1

# Highest key index needed by Drive List View


# System-Related Defaults

# Default startup directory
STARTDIR = os.path.abspath("." + os.sep)

# Home directory
HOME = os.getenv("HOME") or STARTDIR

# Get hostname

# Try the local environment first when looking for the
# hostname.  Only use the socket call as a last
# resort because a misconfigured or malfunctioning
# network will cause this call to be *very* slow
# and 'twander' will take forever to start-up.

HOSTNAME = os.getenv("HOSTNAME") or getfqdn()

# Get the user name

if OSNAME == 'nt':
    if WIN32ALL and USEWIN32ALL and WIN32ALLON:
        USERNAME = GetUserName()
        USERNAME = os.getenv("LOGNAME")

elif OSNAME == 'posix':
    USERNAME = os.getenv("USER")

    USERNAME = ""

# Concatenate them if we got a user name


# GUI-Related Stuff

# Constants


MENUPADX      =  2

# Key & Button Event Masks

ShiftMask     = (1<<0)
LockMask      = (1<<1)
ControlMask   = (1<<2)
Mod1Mask      = (1<<3)
Mod2Mask      = (1<<4)
Mod3Mask      = (1<<5)
Mod4Mask      = (1<<6)
Mod5Mask      = (1<<7)
Button1Mask   = (1<<8)
Button2Mask   = (1<<9)
Button3Mask   = (1<<10)
Button4Mask   = (1<<11)
Button5Mask   = (1<<12)

# There are some event bits we don't care about -
# We'll use the following constant to mask them out
# later in the keyboard and mouse handlers.

DontCareMask  = LockMask | Mod2Mask | Mod3Mask | Mod4Mask | Mod5Mask

# Some things are OS-dependent

if OSNAME == 'nt':
    AltMask = (1<<17)
    DontCareMask |= Mod1Mask   # Some versions of Win32 set this when Alt is pressed
    AltMask = Mod1Mask

# Name The Key/Mouse Assignments Which We Do Not Allow To Be Rebound In The Config File


# Stat-Related Stuff

# Misc. Stat-Related Strings

FILEGROUP     = "group"
FILEOWNER     = "owner"
NODRIVE       = "<Drive Empty>"
NOLABEL       = "<No Label>"
SYMPTR        = " -> "
UNAVAILABLE   = "Unavailable"
WIN32GROUP    = "win32" + FILEGROUP
WIN32OWNER    = "win32" + FILEOWNER
WIN32FREE     = " free"
WIN32TOTAL    = " total  "        # Leave trailing space - drive letter follows

if WIN32ALL:
    # Used with win32all-based permissions logic.
    # Format for each entry is: (mask to test, symbol if true).
    # Position in tuple determines position in display.

    win32all_mode = ((win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY,  'd'),
                     (win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE,    'A'),
                     (win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED, 'C'),
                     (win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN,     'H'),
                     (win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,     'N'),
                     (win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY,   'R'),
                     (win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM,     'S'))

    win32all_type = ((win32con.DRIVE_CDROM,     'CD/DVD'),
                     (win32con.DRIVE_FIXED,     'Fixed'),
                     (win32con.DRIVE_RAMDISK,   'Ramdisk'),
                     (win32con.DRIVE_REMOTE,    'Remote'),
                     (win32con.DRIVE_REMOVABLE, 'Removable'))

    # Size of each of the drive detail fields, including room for trailing space.

    SZ_DRIVE_SHARE  = 24   # Can be label or share string - leave plenty of room
    SZ_DRIVE_TYPE   = 20
    SZ_DRIVE_FREE   = 13   # The trailing text string has as leading blank for separation
    SZ_DRIVE_TTL    = 13   # The trailing text string has leading and trailing blanks for separation

                     SZ_DRIVE_TTL + len(WIN32TOTAL)

# Constants used with the more usual Unix-style details
# Used both by Unix and Win32 when win32all is not present or disabled.

# Permissions

ST_PERMIT     = ["---", "--x", "-w-", "-wx",
                 "r--", "r-x", "rw-", "rwx"]

# Special file type lookup

ST_SPECIALS   = {"01":"p", "02":"c", "04":"d", "06":"b",
                 "10":"-", "12":"l", "14":"s"}

# Size of each status display field including trailing space
# These are sized for the worst-case: Win32 with win32all features

ST_SZMODE     = 12
ST_SZUNAME    = 18
ST_SZGNAME    = 18
ST_SZLEN      = 12
ST_SZMTIME    = 18

                ST_SZLEN + ST_SZMTIME

# Special Bit Masks


# Configuration File-Related Constants & Globals

ASSIGN     = "="               # Assignment for variable definitions
CONF       = ""                # Config file user selected with -c option
COMMENT    = r"#"              # Comment introducer string
ENVVBL     = r'$'              # Symbol denoting an environment variable

# Names Of Conditionals, Directives, And Pre-Defined Symbols

CONDENDIF    = '.endif'
CONDEQUAL    = '=='
CONDIF       = '.if'
DIRECTINC    = '.include'
SYMOS        = '.OS'

# Globals Supporting Configutration File Conditional Processing

ConditionalStack  = []         # Stack for tracking conditional state

# Variable Name Pattern Matching Stuff

DIRSC      = "DIRSC"                            # Directory Shortcut naming
WILDCARD   = "WILDCARD"                         # Wildcard naming
reDIRSC    = r'^' + DIRSC + r'([1-9]|1[0-2])$'  # Regex describing Directory Shortcut names
reVAR      = r"\[.+?\]"                         # Regex describing variable notation

# Create actual regex matching engines

REDIRSC = re.compile(reDIRSC)
REVAR   = re.compile(reVAR)
CONDVAR = re.compile(r'^' + reVAR + r'$')

# Built-In Variables

DIR         = r'[DIR]'
HASH        = r'[HASH]'
MEM1        = r'[MEM1]'
MEM2        = r'[MEM2]'
MEM3        = r'[MEM3]'
MEM4        = r'[MEM4]'
MEM5        = r'[MEM5]'
MEM6        = r'[MEM6]'
MEM7        = r'[MEM7]'
MEM8        = r'[MEM8]'
MEM9        = r'[MEM9]'
MEM10       = r'[MEM10]'
MEM11       = r'[MEM11]'
MEM12       = r'[MEM12]'
PROMPT      = r'[PROMPT:'
YESNO       = r'[YESNO:'

#            Prompts, & Application Strings                #

# Menu, Error, Information, & Warning  Messages

# Title-Bar Strings

TTLFILES    = "Total Files:"
TTLSIZE     = "Total Size:"
TTLSORTFLD  = "Sort By:"

# Convert Logical Values Into Yes/No String

YesOrNo = {TRUE:"YES", FALSE:"N0"}

# Menu Button Titles

COMMANDMENU = 'Commands'        # Title for Command Menu button
DIRMENU     = 'Directories'     # Title for Directory Menu button
HISTMENU    = 'History'         # Title for History Menu button
SORTMENU    = 'Sorting'         # Title for Sort Menu button
WILDMENU    = 'Wildcards'       # Title for Wildcard Menu button
HELPMENU    = 'Help'            # Title for Help Menu button

# Sort Menu-Related

# And their names - used in Sorting Menu

sSORTBY      = "Sort By"
sREVERSE     = "Reverse Sort"
sSEPARATE    = "Separate Dirs/Files"

# Help Menu-Related

WEBSITE     = "Homepage:\n\n"
ABOUT       = "%s %s\n\nCopyright %s %s\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s"  % (PROGNAME, VERSION, CPRT, DATE, OWNER, RIGHTS, WEBSITE)
hABOUT      = 'About'
hCOMMANDS   = 'Command Definitions'
hDIRSC      = 'Directory Shortcuts'
hINTVBLS    = 'Internal Program Variables'
hKEYS       = 'Keyboard Assignments'
hNONE       = 'No %s Found.'
hOPTVBLS    = 'User-Settable Options'
hUSERVBLS   = 'User-Defined Variables'

# Errors

eBADROOT    = " %s Is Not A Directory"
eDIRRD      = "Cannot Open Directory : %s  ---  Check Permissions."
eERROR      = "ERROR"
eINITDIRBAD = "Cannot Open Starting Directory : %s - Check Permissions - ABORTING!."
eOPEN       = "Cannot Open File: %s"
eTOOMANY    = "You Can Only Specify One Starting Directory."

# Information

iNOSTAT     = "Details Unavailable For This File ->"

# Prompts

pCHPATH     = "Change Path"
pENCMD      = "Enter Command To Run:"
pENPATH     = "Enter New Path Desired:"
pENWILD     = "Enter Selection Wildcard:"
pMANUALCMD  = "Manual Command Entry"
pRUNCMD     = "Run Command"
pWILDSEL    = "Selection By Wildcard"

# Warnings

wBADCFGLINE = "Ignoring Line %s.\nBogus Configuration Entry:\n\n%s"
wBADDEBUG   = "Ignoring Bogus Debug Level! - %s Is Not In Integer Or Hex Format."
wBADENDIF   = "Ignoring Line %s!\nBogus End-Of-Block Statement:\n\n%s"
wBADENVVBL  = "Ignoring Line %s.\nEnvironment Variable %s Not Set:\n\n%s"
wBADEXE     = "Could Not Execute Command:\n\n%s"
wBADIF      = "Ignoring Line %s.\nImproperly Formed Condition: \n\n%s"
wBADRHS     = "Ignoring Line %s.\nOption Assignment Has Bad Righthand Side:\n\n%s"
wBADSCNUM   = "Ignoring Line %s.\nShortcut Number Must Be From 1-12:\n\n%s"
wBADSORTFLD = "Don't Know How To Sort By: %s\n\nWill Sort By %s Instead."
wCONFOPEN   = "Cannot Open Configuration File:\n%s"
wEXTRAENDIF = "Ignoring Line %s!\nNo Conditional Block To End:\n\n%s"
wLINKBACK   = "%s Points Back To Own Directory"
wMISSENDIF  = "Configuration File Is Missing %s " + CONDENDIF +" Statement(s)"
wNOCMDS     = "Running With No Commands Defined!"
wNOREBIND   = "Ignoring Line %s.\nCannot Rebind This Keyboard Or Mouse Button Combination:\n\n%s"
wREDEFVAR   = "Ignoring Line %s.\nCannot Redefine Built-In Variable %s:\n\n%s"
wUNDEFVBL   = "Ignoring Line %s.\nUndefined Variable %s Referenced:\n\n%s"
wVBLTOODEEP = "Ignoring Line %s.\nVariable Definition Nested Too Deeply:\n\n%s"
wWARN       = "WARNING"
wWILDCOMP   = "Cannot Compile Wilcard Expression: %s"

# Debug-Related Stuff

# Debug Levels

# Nibble #1

DEBUGVARS     = (1<<0)   # Dump internal variables
DEBUGSYMS     = (1<<1)   # Dump symbol table
DEBUGCTBL     = (1<<2)   # Dump command table
DEBUGKEYS     = (1<<3)   # Dump key bindings

# Nibble #2

DEBUGCMDS     = (1<<4)   # Dump command execution string
DEBUGDIRS     = (1<<5)   # Dump directory stack contents as it changes
DEBUGHIST     = (1<<6)   # Dump contents of command history stack after command execution
DEBUGMEM      = (1<<7)   # Dump contents of program memories as they change

# Nibble #3

DEBUGWILD     = (1<<8)   # Dump contents of wildcard stack as it changes
DEBUGRSRV2    = (1<<9)   # Reserved for future use
DEBUGRSRV3    = (1<<10)
DEBUGQUIT     = (1<<11)  # Dump debug info and quit program

# Debug Strings

dCMD        = "COMMAND"
dFALSE      = "False"
dHEADER     = "twander Debug Dump Run On: %s\n"
dNULL       = "None"
dTRUE       = "True"

# Debug Formatting

dCMDWIDTH    = 20
dKEYWIDTH    = 16
dSCWIDTH     = 6

# List of internal program variables to dump during debug sessions


# Usage Information

uTable = [PROGNAME + " " + VERSION + " - %s\n" % COPYRIGHT,
          "usage:  " + PROGNAME + " [-cdhqrstvwxy] [startdir] where,\n",
          "          startdir  name of directory in which to begin (default: current dir)",
          "          -c file   name of configuration file (default: $HOME/." + PROGNAME +
                     " or PROGDIR/." + PROGNAME + ")",
          "          -d level  set debugging level (default: 0, debugging off)",
          "                Bit Assignments:",
          "                         0 - Dump Internal Options & User-Settable Options (0x001)",
          "                         1 - Dump User-Defined Variables (0x002)",
          "                         2 - Dump Command Definitions (0x004)",
          "                         3 - Dump Key Bindings (0x008)",
          "                         4 - Display, Do Not Execute, Commands When Invoked (0x010)",
          "                         5 - Dump Directory Stack As It Changes (0x020)",
          "                         6 - Dump Command History Stack After Command Executes (0x040)",
          "                         7 - Dump Contents Of Program Memories As They Change (0x080)",
          "                         8 - Dump Contents Of Wildcard Stack As It Changes (0x100)",
          "                         9 - Reserved",
          "                        10 - Reserved",
          "                        11 - Dump Requested Debug Information And Exit Immediately (0x800)",
          "          -h        print this help information",
          "          -q        quiet mode - no warnings (default: warnings on)",
          "          -r        turn off automatic content refreshing (default: refresh on)",
          "          -t        no quoting when substituting Built-In Variables (default: quoting on)",
          "          -v        print detailed version information",

#---------------------------Code Begins Here----------------------------------#

#             General Support Functions                    #

# Print An Error Message

def ErrMsg(emsg):
    showerror(PROGNAME + " " + VERSION + "    " + eERROR, emsg)

# End of 'ErrMsg()'

# Build List Of Win32 Drives

def GetWin32Drives():

    # Get Win32 drive string, split on nulls, and get
    # rid of any resulting null entries.

    if WIN32ALL and USEWIN32ALL and WIN32ALLON:
        return filter(lambda x : x, GetDrives().split('\x00'))
        return ""

# End of 'GetWin32Drives()'

# Convert A File Size Into Equivalent String With Scaling
# Files under 1 MB show actual length
# Files < 1 MB < 1 GB shown in KB
# Files 1 GB or greater, shown in MB

def FileLength(flen):

    if flen >= GB:
        flen = str(flen/MB) + "m"
    elif flen >= MB:
        flen = str(flen/KB) + "k"
        flen = str(flen)

    return flen

# End of 'FileLength()'

# Pad A String With Trailing Spaces To Specified Width
# Return either that padded string or, if the passed
# string is too large, truncate it and return a string
# of exactly the specified with whose last character is
# a space.

def PadString(string, width, Rjust=FALSE):

    s = string[:(width-1)]
    if Rjust:
        s = s.rjust(width)
        s = s.ljust(width)

    return s

# End of 'PadString()'

# Process The Configuraton File
# This is called once at program start time
# and again any time someone hits the READCONF key
# while the program is running.

def ProcessConfiguration(event, DoOptionsProcessing=TRUE):
    global CONF, UI, ConditionalStack

    # Cleanout any old configuration data
    UI.CmdTable  = {}
    UI.Commands  = []
    UI.DirSCKeys = ["", "", "", "", "", "",
                   "", "", "", "", "", ""]
    UI.SymTable  = {}

    # Initialize internal parsing data structures

    ConditionalStack = [TRUE,]      # This is a sentinel and guarantees there will
                                    # will always be something in this stack

    # Load Symbol Table with predefined symbols

    UI.SymTable[SYMOS] =
    UI.SymTable[SYMPLATFORM] = sys.platform

    # Unbind all existing key bindings
    for x in UI.KeyBindings.keys():

    # Initialize keyboard binding variables to their defaults
    # These may be overriden in the configuration file
    # parsing process.

    UI.KeyBindings = {"CLRHIST":CLRHIST,

    # Set all the program options to their default values
    # This means that a configuration file reload can
    # override the options set previously in the environment
    # variable or on the command line.

    for x in (UI.OptionsBoolean, UI.OptionsNumeric, UI.OptionsString):
        for o in x.keys():
            globals()[o] = x[o]

    # If user specified a config file, try that
    # Otherwise use HOME == either $HOME or ./

    if not CONF:
        CONF = os.path.join(HOME, "." + PROGNAME)

    # Actually read and parse the configuration file.

    MissingEndIfs = len(ConditionalStack) - 1

    if MissingEndIfs:
        WrnMsg(wMISSENDIF % str(MissingEndIfs))

    # Make sure any options we've changed are implemented
    if DoOptionsProcessing:

    # Initialize the command menu,END)

    # And disable it

    # Now load the menu with the final set of commands

    for cmdkey in UI.Commands:
        cmdname = UI.CmdTable[cmdkey][0], CMDMENU_WIDTH) + "(" + cmdkey + ")",
                                   command=lambda cmd=cmdkey: CommandMenuSelection(cmd))
    # Enable the menu if it has entries.
    # If no commands are defined, warn the user.
        UI.CmdBtn['menu'] =


    return 'break'

# End of 'ProcessConfiguration()'

# Read & Parse A Configuration File
# Called By ProcessConfiguration() And Each Time
# A '.include' Is Encountered Within A Configuration File

def ReadConfFile(file):

    # Keep track of the line number on a per-file basis
    linenum = 0
        cf = open(file)
        # Successful open of config file - Begin processing it

        # Process and massage the configuration file
        for line in
            linenum += 1

            # Parse this line
            if line:
                ParseLine(line, file, linenum)

        # Close the config file

        WrnMsg(wCONFOPEN % file)

# End of 'ReadConfFile()'

# Parse A Line From A Configuration File

def ParseLine(line, file, num):
    global UI, ConditionalStack

    # Cleanup the line
    # Get rid of trailing newline, if any

    if line[-1] == '\n':
        line = line[:-1]

    # Strip comments out
    idx = line.find(COMMENT)
    if idx > -1:
        line = line[:idx]

    # Strip off leading/trailing spaces
    cleanline = line.strip()
    # Split what's left into separate fields again
    fields = cleanline.split()

    # Make a copy of the fields which is guaranteed to have at 
    # least two fields for use in the variable declaration tests.
    dummy = fields[:]

    # Before going on, make sure we're even supposed to process the line.
    # If we are currently in the midst of a *false* conditional
    # block, we must throw this line away.  The only thing
    # we'll accept in that case is more conditional statements.

    if (not ConditionalStack[-1]) and (dummy[0] not in (CONDIF, CONDENDIF)):
    # Blank Lines - Ignore

    if len(fields) == 0:

    # Conditionals

    # Legal conditional statements are in one of several forms:
    # .if [SYMBOL]
    # .if [SYMBOL] == string OR .if [SYMBOL] != string
    # .if [SYMBOL]== string  OR .if [SYMBOL]!= string
    # .if [SYMBOL] ==string  OR .if [SYMBOL] !=string
    # .if [SYMBOL]==string   OR .if [SYMBOL]!=string
    # .endif

    # Additionally, [SYMBOL] can also be an environment
    # variable - [$SYMBOL]

    # Process Conditional Beginning-Of-Block Statement

    elif fields[0] == CONDIF:

        # Hack off the conditional statement so we can
        # process what's left

        condline = cleanline[len(CONDIF):].strip()
        # Iterate through all legitimate possible
        # beginning-of-block forms.  The iteration
        # tuple is in the form: (condition, # of required arguments)

        args = []
        condition, var, cmpstr = "", "", ""
        for condtype, numargs in [(CONDEQUAL, 2), (CONDNOTEQUAL, 2), (None, 1)]:

            # Process forms that have arguments following the variable reference
            if condtype:
                if condline.count(condtype):
                    args      = condline.split(condtype)
                    condition = condtype
            # Process the existential conditional form

                args      = condline.split()
                condition = condtype

        # Check for correct syntax
        # We have to have the right number of arguments, AND
        # the condition variable has to be in proper variable reference form: [VAR] AND
        # the rightmost argument cannot be an empty string

        if (len(args) != numargs) or (not CONDVAR.match(args[0].strip())) or (not args[-1]):
            WrnMsg(wBADIF % (num, line), fn=file)

        # Syntax OK, process the conditional test

            # Assume the conditional test fails
            conditional = FALSE

            # Strip the reference syntax to get just the variable name
            var    = args[0].strip()[1:-1]

            # Handle the equality tests
            if condition:
                # De-reference the variable's contents, accomodating
                # both Environment and User-Defined variable types

                if var[0] == ENVVBL:
                    var = os.getenv(var[1:])

                    var = UI.SymTable.get(var)

                # Get the comparison string
                cmpstr = args[1].strip()

                # Now process each type of condition explicitly

                if condition == CONDEQUAL:
                    if var == cmpstr:
                        conditional = TRUE

                elif condition == CONDNOTEQUAL:
                    if var != cmpstr:
                        conditional = TRUE

            # Handle the existential conditional

                if var[0] == ENVVBL:
                    if os.environ.has_key(var[1:]):
                        conditional = TRUE

                elif UI.SymTable.has_key(var):
                    conditional = TRUE

        # Even if the current conditional is True, we do not
        # process its contents if the *containing* scope is False.
        # i.e., A given conditional's truth is determined by its
        # own state AND the state of the containing scope.

        ConditionalStack.append(ConditionalStack[-1] and conditional)

    # Process Conditional End-Of-Block Statement
    elif fields[0] ==  CONDENDIF:

        # The end-of-block statement must be on a line by itself
        if len(fields) != 1:
            WrnMsg(wBADENDIF % (num, line), fn=file)
        # The conditional stack must always have 1 value left in
        # it *after* all conditional processing.  If it does not,
        # it means there are more .endifs than .ifs.

        elif len(ConditionalStack) == 1:
            WrnMsg(wEXTRAENDIF % (num, line), fn=file)


    # Process Include Directive

    elif fields[0] == DIRECTINC:

    # Variable Definitions And Special Assignments

    # A valid variable definition can
    # be 1, 2, or 3 fields:
    #  x=y    - 1 field
    #  x= y   - 2 fields
    #  x =y
    #  x = y  - 3 fields
    # But this is illegal
    #  =.......
    # However, the assignment character
    # must always been in the 1st or second
    # field.  If it is a 3rd field, it is not
    # a variable definition, but a command definition.
    # If the LHS is one of the Program Function Names
    # used in key binding, the statement is understood
    # to be a key rebinding, not a user variable definition.
    # If the LHS is one of the Directory Shortcut variables,
    # the RHS is added to the Directory Menu and assigned
    # to the associated Function Key (1-12).
    # Finally, the LHS cannot be one of the program
    # Built-In Variables - it is an error, for example,
    # to have something like:
    #        DIR = string
    # because "DIR" is a Built-In Variable name.

    elif ((dummy[0].count(ASSIGN) + dummy[1].count(ASSIGN)) > 0) and (fields[0][0] != ASSIGN):
        assign = cleanline.find(ASSIGN)
        name = cleanline[:assign].strip()

        # Error out on any attempt to "define" a Built-In Variable
        if UI.BuiltIns.has_key('[' + name + ']') or UI.BuiltIns.has_key('[' + name):
            WrnMsg(wREDEFVAR % (num, name, line), fn=file)
        # Handle Directory Shortcut entries.
        if REDIRSC.match(name):

            # Get shortcut number
            sc = int(name.split(DIRSC)[1])

            # Process if in range
            if 0 < sc < NUMFUNCKEY + 1:

                # Associate the directory with the correct shortcut key
                UI.DirSCKeys[sc-1] = val

                # Add to Directory Menu making sure it is PSEP-terminated

                if val and (val[-1] != PSEP):
                    val += PSEP

                if val:

            # User specified an invalid shortcut number
                WrnMsg(wBADSCNUM % (num, line), fn=file)

        # Process any wildcard definitions
        elif name == WILDCARD:
            if val and (val not in UI.WildHist):
                UpdateMenu(UI.WildBtn, UI.WildHist, MAXMENU, MAXMENUBUF, KeySelWild, newentry=val, fakeevent=TRUE)
        # Process any option variables - blank RHS is OK and means to leave
        # option set to its default value.

        elif name in UI.OptionsBoolean.keys():
            if val:
                val = val.upper()
                if val == 'TRUE' or val == 'FALSE':
                    globals()[name] = eval(val)               # !!! Cheater's way to get to global variables.
                    WrnMsg(wBADRHS % (num, line), fn=file)

        elif name in UI.OptionsNumeric.keys():
            if val:
                    val = StringToNum(val)
                    if val >= 0:
                        globals()[name] = val
                        WrnMsg(wBADRHS % (num, line), fn=file)
                    WrnMsg(wBADRHS % (num, line), fn=file)

        elif name in UI.OptionsString.keys():
            if val:
                globals()[name] = val

        # Process other variable types.
        # Distinguish between internal program variables and
        # user-defined variables and act accordingly.  We inhibit
        # the rebinding of certain, special assignments, however.

        elif name in UI.KeyBindings.keys():
            if name in NOREBIND:
                WrnMsg(wNOREBIND % (num, line), fn=file)
                UI.KeyBindings[name] = val
            UI.SymTable[name] = val

    # Command Definitions

    elif len(fields[0]) == 1:

        # Must have at least 3 fields for a valid command definition
        if len(fields) < 3:
            WrnMsg(wBADCFGLINE % (num, line), fn=file)
            cmdkey = fields[0]
            cmdname = fields[1]
            cmd = " ".join(fields[2:])

            # Process any User-Defined variables
            cmd = ProcessVariables(cmd, num, cleanline)

            # A null return means there was a problem - abort
            if not cmd:

            # Add the command entry to the command table.
            # If the key is a duplicate, the older definition is
            # overwritten.

            UI.CmdTable[cmdkey] = [cmdname, cmd]

            # Keep track of the order in which the commands
            # were defined - we want them to show up that
            # way in the Command Menu so user can put
            # most-used commands near the top.
            # Do this suppressing duplicates.

            if cmdkey in UI.Commands:


        WrnMsg(wBADCFGLINE % (num, line), fn=file)

# End of 'ParseLine()'

# Print Debug Information On stdout

def PrintDebug(title, content):

    print '<%s>\n' % title.upper()
    if content:
        for i in content:
            print i
        print dNULL

# End of 'PrintDebug()'

# Setup The GUI Visual Parameters, Menus, & Help Information 

def SetupGUI():

    # Start in detailed mode unless details are inhibited

    # Rebind all the handlers

    # Any user-set options have now been read, set the GUI

    for i in (UI.CmdBtn, UI.DirBtn, UI.HistBtn, UI.SortBtn, UI.WildBtn, UI.HelpBtn):
        i.config(foreground=MFCOLOR, background=MBCOLOR, font=(MFNAME, MFSZ, MFWT)), background=MBCOLOR, font=(MFNAME, MFSZ, MFWT))

    # Set Menu Bar background to match buttons

    UI.DirList.config(font=(FNAME, FSZ, FWT),
                      foreground=FCOLOR, background=BCOLOR)

    # Make sure menus conform to max lengths (which may have changed).

    UpdateMenu(UI.DirBtn, UI.AllDirs, MAXMENU, MAXMENUBUF, LoadDirList, sort=TRUE)    
    UpdateMenu(UI.HistBtn, UI.CmdHist, MAXMENU, MAXMENUBUF, KeyRunCommand, fakeevent=TRUE)
    UpdateMenu(UI.WildBtn, UI.WildHist, MAXMENU, MAXMENUBUF, KeySelWild, fakeevent=TRUE)

    # Initialize the Sorting Menu


    # Initialize the Help Menu

    # Size and position the display
    UIroot.geometry("%sx%s+%s+%s" % (WIDTH,  HEIGHT, STARTX, STARTY))

# End of 'SetupGUI()'

# Load The Sorting Menu with the latest information

def LoadSortMenu():

    # Sort Menu content is different if in Drive List View
    # Show options appropriate to the current view

    if UI.CurrentDir == SHOWDRIVES:
        idx = 2
        idx = 1

    # Clear out any old entries

    # Add the menu selections

        t = Name2Key[entry.lower()]
        if t[idx]:
  [idx], command=lambda parm=t[1] : KeySetSortParm(parm))

    # Store the current directory - used in subsequent calls to this funtion to
    # determine whether or not we're moving between Normal <--> Drive List Views

    UI.SortBtn.CurrentDir = UI.CurrentDir

    # Enable the menu selections
    UI.SortBtn['menu'] =

# End of 'LoadSortMenu()'

# Load Help Menu with latest information

def LoadHelpMenu():
    # Clear out existing content

    # Update the cascading submenus
    # We iterate across tuples of (Menu Name, Menu Variable, List Of Items)

    for mname, mvbl, mlist in ((hUSERVBLS, UI.UserVbls, GetUserVbls()),
                               (hCOMMANDS, UI.CmdDefs,  GetCommandTable()),
                               (hINTVBLS,  UI.IntVbls,  GetIntVars()),
                               (hOPTVBLS,  UI.OptVbls,  GetOptions()),
                               (hKEYS,     UI.Keys,     GetKeyBindings()),
                               (hDIRSC,    UI.DirSCs,   GetDirShortcuts())):

        # Indicated if there is nothing to display for this class of help
        if not mlist:
            mvbl.add_command(label=hNONE % mname, command=None, foreground=HFCOLOR, background=HBCOLOR,
                             font=(HFNAME, HFSZ, HFWT))

        # Load the help class with relevant information
            for l in mlist:
                mvbl.add_command(label=l, command=None, foreground=HFCOLOR, background=HBCOLOR, font=(HFNAME, HFSZ, HFWT)), menu=mvbl)

    # Setup the About item, command=lambda title=hABOUT, text=ABOUT : showinfo(title, text))

    # Enable the menu content
    UI.HelpBtn['menu'] =

# End of 'LoadHelpMenu()'

# Convert A String In Integer Or Hex Format To An Equivalent Numeric
# We assume that the string is either in correct format or that
# the calling routine will catch any error.

def StringToNum(string):

    if string.lower().startswith('0x'):
        value = int(string, 16)
        value = int(string, 10)

    return value

# End of 'StringToNum()

# Strip Trailing Path Separator

def StripPSEP(s):

    if s and s[-1] == PSEP:
        return s[:-1]
        return s

# End of 'StripPSEP()'

# Print Usage Information

def Usage():

    for x in uTable:
        print x

# End of 'Usage()'

# Check Debug Level To See If It Is A Properly Formed Integer Or Hex Value
# If So, Convert To Numeric, If Not, Warn User, And Set To 0

def ValidateDebugLevel():
    global DEBUGLEVEL

    d = DEBUGLEVEL  # Save, in case of error
        DEBUGLEVEL = 0
        WrnMsg(wBADDEBUG % d)

# End of 'ValidateDebugLevel()'

# Print A Warning Message

def WrnMsg(wmsg, fn=""):
    if WARN:
        showwarning("%s %s    %s    %s" % (PROGNAME, VERSION, wWARN, fn), wmsg)

# End of 'WrnMsg()'

#                    GUI Definition                        #

# Enacapsulate the UI in a class

class twanderUI:

    def __init__(self, root):

        # Setup Menubar frame
        self.mBar = Frame(root, relief=RAISED, borderwidth=MENUBORDER)
        # Setup the Command Menu

        self.CmdBtn = Menubutton(self.mBar, text=COMMANDMENU, underline=0, state=DISABLED) = Menu(self.CmdBtn)
        self.CmdBtn.pack(side=LEFT, padx=MENUPADX)

        # Setup the Directory Menu

        self.DirBtn = Menubutton(self.mBar, text=DIRMENU, underline=0, state=DISABLED) = Menu(self.DirBtn)
        self.DirBtn.pack(side=LEFT, padx=MENUPADX)

        # Setup the History Menu

        self.HistBtn = Menubutton(self.mBar, text=HISTMENU, underline=0, state=DISABLED) = Menu(self.HistBtn)
        self.HistBtn.pack(side=LEFT, padx=MENUPADX)

        # Setup the Sort Menu

        self.SortBtn = Menubutton(self.mBar, text=SORTMENU, underline=0, state=DISABLED) = Menu(self.SortBtn)
        self.SortBtn.pack(side=LEFT, padx=MENUPADX)

        # Setup the Wildcard Menu

        self.WildBtn = Menubutton(self.mBar, text=WILDMENU, underline=0, state=DISABLED) = Menu(self.WildBtn)
        self.WildBtn.pack(side=LEFT, padx=MENUPADX)

        # Setup the Help Menu

        self.HelpBtn = Menubutton(self.mBar, text=HELPMENU, underline=2, state=DISABLED) = Menu(self.HelpBtn)
        self.HelpBtn.pack(side=LEFT, padx=MENUPADX)
        # Setup the cascading submenus
        self.UserVbls = Menu(, foreground=MFCOLOR, background=MBCOLOR, font=(MFNAME, MFSZ, MFWT))
        self.CmdDefs  = Menu(, foreground=MFCOLOR, background=MBCOLOR, font=(MFNAME, MFSZ, MFWT))
        self.IntVbls  = Menu(, foreground=MFCOLOR, background=MBCOLOR, font=(MFNAME, MFSZ, MFWT))
        self.OptVbls  = Menu(, foreground=MFCOLOR, background=MBCOLOR, font=(MFNAME, MFSZ, MFWT))
        self.Keys     = Menu(, foreground=MFCOLOR, background=MBCOLOR, font=(MFNAME, MFSZ, MFWT))
        self.DirSCs   = Menu(, foreground=MFCOLOR, background=MBCOLOR, font=(MFNAME, MFSZ, MFWT))

        # Setup the Directory Listing and Scrollbars

        self.hSB = Scrollbar(root, orient=HORIZONTAL)
        self.vSB = Scrollbar(root, orient=VERTICAL)
        self.DirList = Listbox(root, selectmode=EXTENDED, exportselection=0,
                               xscrollcommand=self.hSB.set, yscrollcommand=self.vSB.set)

        # Make them visible by packing
        self.hSB.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
        self.vSB.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
        self.DirList.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        # End of method 'twanderUI.__init__()'

    # Bind the relevant event handlers
    def BindAllHandlers(self):

        # General Program Commands

        # Bind handler to invoke Clear Command History
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["CLRHIST"], ClearHistory)

        # Bind handler to invoke Decrement Font Size
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["FONTDECR"], FontDecr)

        # Bind handler to invoke Increment Font Size
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["FONTINCR"], FontIncr)

        # Bind handler to invoke Command Menu
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MOUSECTX"], MouseClick)

        # Bind handler to invoke Directory Menu
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MOUSEDIR"], MouseClick)

        # Bind handler for individual keystrokes
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KEYPRESS"], KeystrokeHandler)

        # Bind handler for "Quit Program"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["QUITPROG"], KeyQuitProg)

        # Bind handler for "Read Config File"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["READCONF"], ProcessConfiguration)

        # Bind handler for "Refresh Screen" 
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["REFRESH"], RefreshDirList)

        # Bind handler for "Toggle Detail" 
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["TOGDETAIL"], KeyToggleDetail)

        # Bind handler for "Toggle win32all Features" 
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["TOGWIN32ALL"], KeyToggleWin32All)

        # Directory Navigation

        # Bind handler for "Change Directory"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["CHANGEDIR"], KeyChangeDir)

        # Bind handler for "Home Dir"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["DIRHOME"], KeyHomeDir)

        # Bind handler for "Previous Dir"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["DIRBACK"], KeyBackDir)

        # Bind handler for "Root Dir"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["DIRROOT"], KeyRootDir)

        # Bind handler for "Starting Dir"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["DIRSTART"], KeyStartDir)

        # Bind handler for "Up Dir"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["DIRUP"], KeyUpDir)

        # Bind handler for "Display Drive View"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["DRIVELIST"], KeyDriveList)

        # Bind handler for "Mouse Back Dir"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MOUSEBACK"], MouseDblClick)

        # Bind handler for "Mouse Up Dir"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MOUSEUP"], MouseDblClick)

        # Selection Keys

        # Bind handler for "Select All"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SELALL"], KeySelAll)

        # Bind handler for "Invert Current Selection"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SELINV"], KeySelInv)

        # Bind handler for "Select No Items"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SELNONE"], KeySelNone)

        # Bind handler for "Next Item"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SELNEXT"], KeySelNext)

        # Bind handler for "Previous Item"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SELPREV"], KeySelPrev)

        # Bind handler for "Last Item"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SELEND"], KeySelEnd)

        # Bind handler for "First Item"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SELTOP"], KeySelTop)

        # Bind handler for "Select With Wildcard"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SELWILD"], KeySelWild)

        # Scrolling Keys

        # Bind Handler for "Move Page Down
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["PGDN"], KeyPageDown)

        # Bind Handler for "Move Page Up"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["PGUP"], KeyPageUp)

        # Bind Handler for "Move Page Right"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["PGRT"], KeyPageRight)

        # Bind Handler for "Move Page Up"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["PGLFT"], KeyPageLeft)

        # Execute Commands

        # Bind handler for "Run Command"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["RUNCMD"], lambda event : KeyRunCommand(event, DoCmdShell=True))

        # Bind handler for "Item Select"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SELKEY"], DirListHandler)

        # Bind handler for "Mouse Select"
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MOUSESEL"], MouseDblClick)

        # Directory Shortcut Keys - All Bound To A Common Handler

        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC1"],  lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 1))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC2"],  lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 2))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC3"],  lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 3))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC4"],  lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 4))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC5"],  lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 5))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC6"],  lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 6))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC7"],  lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 7))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC8"],  lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 8))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC9"],  lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 9))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC10"], lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 10))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC11"], lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 11))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["KDIRSC12"], lambda event :DirSCKeyPress(event, 12))

        # Memory Keys - All Features Bound To A Common Handler

        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR1"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=1,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR2"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=2,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR3"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=3,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR4"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=4,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR5"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=5,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR6"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=6,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR7"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=7,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR8"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=8,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR9"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=9,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR10"],  lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=10,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR11"],  lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=11,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLR12"],  lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=12,  clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMCLRALL"], lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=13, clear=TRUE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET1"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=1))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET2"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=2))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET3"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=3))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET4"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=4))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET5"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=5))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET6"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=6))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET7"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=7))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET8"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=8))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET9"],   lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=9))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET10"],  lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=10))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET11"],  lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=11))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["MEMSET12"],  lambda event : KeyMemHandler(mem=12))

        # Sort Selection Keys - All Bound To A Common Handler

        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SORTBYNONE"], lambda event : KeySetSortParm(parm=fNONE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SORTBYPERMS"], lambda event : KeySetSortParm(parm=fPERMISSIONS))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SORTBYLINKS"], lambda event : KeySetSortParm(parm=fLINKS))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SORTBYOWNER"], lambda event : KeySetSortParm(parm=fOWNER))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SORTBYGROUP"], lambda event : KeySetSortParm(parm=fGROUP))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SORTBYLENGTH"], lambda event : KeySetSortParm(parm=fLENGTH))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SORTBYTIME"], lambda event : KeySetSortParm(parm=fDATE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SORTBYNAME"], lambda event : KeySetSortParm(parm=fNAME))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SORTREV"], lambda event : KeySetSortParm(parm=fREVERSE))
        self.DirList.bind(self.KeyBindings["SORTSEP"], lambda event : KeySetSortParm(parm=fSEPARATE))

        # Give the listbox focus so it gets keystrokes

    # End Of method 'twanderUI.BindAllHandlers()

    # Return tuple of all selected items

    def AllSelection(self):

        sellist = []
        nameindex = self.NameFirst

        for entry in self.DirList.curselection():

        return sellist

    # End of method 'twanderUI.AllSelection()'

    # Return name of currently selected item

    def LastInSelection(self):

        nameindex = self.NameFirst
        index = self.DirList.curselection()

        if index:
            return self.DirList.get(index[-1])[nameindex:].split(SYMPTR)[0]
            return ""

    # End of method 'twanderUI.LastInSelection()'

    # Support periodic polling to make sure widget stays
    # in sync with reality of current directory.

    def poll(self):

        # If new dir entered via mouse, force correct activation
        if self.MouseNewDir:
            self.MouseNewDir = FALSE

        # Do autorefreshing as required

        if AUTOREFRESH:
            self.ElapsedTime += POLLINT

            # Is it time for a referesh?
            if self.ElapsedTime >= REFRESHINT:

                # Don't autorefresh on drive list views
                if UI.CurrentDir != SHOWDRIVES:

                    # Don't autorefresh if there is a lock outstanding
                    # Try back again in 1/4 the usual time
                    # This avoids a deadly embrace which can happen
                    # if you spin on this lock, waiting for it to release

                    if not UI.DirListMutex.test():
                        self.ElapsedTime = 0
                        self.ElapsedTime = (REFRESHINT * 3)/4

        # Setup next polling event
        self.DirList.after(POLLINT, self.poll)

    # End of method 'twanderUI.poll()'

    # Set Detailed View -> FALSE == No Details, TRUE == Details

    def SetDetailedView(self, details):

        # See if we're forcing details to always be off
        if NODETAILS:
            self.DetailsOn = FALSE
            self.DetailsOn = details
    # End of method 'twanderUI.SetDetailedView()'

    # Set a particular selection, w/bounds checking
    # Note that 'selection' is passed as a string
    # but 'active' is passed as a number.

    def SetSelection(self, selection, active):

        # Clear all current selection(s)
        self.DirList.selection_clear(0, END)

        # Get current maximum index
        maxindex =  self.DirList.size() - 1

        # And bounds check/adjust

        if active > maxindex:
            active = maxindex

        # Set desired selected items, if any

        if selection:
            for entry in selection:

        # Now set the active entry

    # End of method 'twanderUI.SetSelection()'

    # Update title bar with most current information

    def UpdateTitle(self, mainwin):

        if UI.CurrentDir == SHOWDRIVES:

            # SORTBYFIELD can have values not meaningful
            # in Drive List View - these are always mapped to fNAME
            if Name2Key[SORTBYFIELD.lower()][0] > MAXDLVKEY:
                srtfld = dlvLETTER.upper()
                srtfld = Name2Key[SORTBYFIELD.lower()][2].upper()
            fld3 = ""

            srtfld = SORTBYFIELD.upper()
            srtsep = YesOrNo[SORTSEPARATE]
            fld3 = "%s %s" % (TTLSORTSEP, srtsep)

        fld1 = "%s %s    " % (TTLSORTFLD, srtfld)
        fld2 = "%s %s    " % (TTLSORTREV, YesOrNo[SORTREVERSE])

        mainwin.title("%s %s        %s:        %s        %s  %s        %s  %s        %s%s%s" % 
                      (PROGNAME, VERSION, FULLNAME, UI.CurrentDir,
                       TTLFILES, str(self.DirList.size()), TTLSIZE, FileLength(self.TotalSize), fld1, fld2, fld3))

    # End of method 'twanderUI.UpdateTitle()'

# End of class definition, 'twanderUI'

#                   Handler Functions                      #

#---------------- Mouse Click Dispatchers -----------------#

# We intercept all mouse clicks (of interest) here so it
# is easy to uniquely handle the Control, Shift, Alt,
# variations of button presses.  We use Tkinter itself
# keep track of single- vs. double-clicks and hand-off
# the event to the corresponding Mouse Click Dispatcher.

# Event Handler: Single Mouse Clicks

def MouseClick(event):

    event.state &= ~DontCareMask                     # Kill the bits we don't care about
    if event.state == Button3Mask:                   # Button-3 / No Modifier
        x, y = UI.DirList.winfo_pointerxy()          # Position near mouse
        PopupMenu(, x, y)              # Display Command Menu

    elif event.state == (Button3Mask | ShiftMask | ControlMask):     # Shift-Control-Button-3
        x, y = UI.DirList.winfo_pointerxy()          # Position near mouse
        PopupMenu(, x, y)             # Display History Menu

    elif event.state == (Button3Mask | AltMask | ControlMask):     # Alt-Control-Button-3
        x, y = UI.DirList.winfo_pointerxy()          # Position near mouse
        PopupMenu(, x, y)             # Display Wildcard Menu

    elif event.state == (Button3Mask | ShiftMask):   # Shift-Button-3
        x, y = UI.DirList.winfo_pointerxy()          # Position near mouse
        PopupMenu(, x, y)              # Display Directory Menu

# End Of 'MouseClick()'

# Event Handler: Mouse Double-Clicks

def MouseDblClick(event):

    event.state &= ~DontCareMask                      # Kill the bits we don't care about
    if event.state == Button1Mask:                    # Double-Button-2 / No Modifier
        DirListHandler(event)                         # Execute selected item

    elif event.state == (Button1Mask | ControlMask):  # Control-DblButton-1
        KeyBackDir(event)                             # Move back one directory

    elif event.state == (Button3Mask | ControlMask):  # Control-DblButton-3
        KeyUpDir(event)                               # Move up one directory

    return "break"

# End Of 'MouseDblClick()

#--------------- General Program Commands -----------------#

# Event Handler: Clear Various Program Histories

def ClearHistory(event):
    global UI
    UI.AllDirs         = []
    UI.CmdHist         = []
    UI.WildHist        = []
    UI.LastCmd         = ""
    UI.LastDir         = []
    UI.LastPathEntered = ""
    UI.LastSelWildcard = ""

    for x in [UI.DirBtn, UI.HistBtn, UI.WildBtn]:,END)
        x['menu'] =

    return 'break'
# End of 'ClearHistory()'

# Decrement Font Size

def FontDecr(event):
    global FSZ, MFSZ, HFSZ
    if FSZ > 1:
        FSZ  -= 1
    if MFSZ > 1:
        MFSZ -= 1
    if HFSZ > 1:
        HFSZ -= 1

    return 'break'

# End of 'FontDecr()'

# Increment Font Size

def FontIncr(event):
    global FSZ, MFSZ, HFSZ

    FSZ  += 1
    MFSZ += 1
    HFSZ += 1

    return 'break'

# End of 'FontIncr()'

# Event Handler: Individual Keystrokes

def KeystrokeHandler(event):

    event.state &= ~DontCareMask                      # Kill the bits we don't care about

    # Check for, and handle accelerator keys
    if event.state == AltMask:
        # Set menu button associated with accelerator

        # Command Menu
        if event.char == 'c':
            button = UI.CmdBtn

        # Directory Menu
        elif event.char == 'd':
            button = UI.DirBtn

        # History Menu
        elif event.char == 'h':
            button = UI.HistBtn

        # Sort Menu
        elif event.char == 's':
            button = UI.SortBtn

        # Wildcard Menu
        elif event.char == 'w':
            button = UI.WildBtn

        # Help Menu
        elif event.char == 'l':
            button = UI.HelpBtn

        # Unrecognized - Ignore

        parts = button.winfo_geometry().split('+')     # Geometry returned as "WidthxHeight+X+Y"
        dims  = parts[0].split('x')

        x, y = int(parts[1]), int(parts[2])
        w, h = int(dims[0]), int(dims[1])

        x += UIroot.winfo_rootx()                      # This is relative to root window position
        y += UIroot.winfo_rooty()                      # So adjust accordingly

        # Display the requested menu
        PopupMenu(, x+MENUOFFSET, y+h)

        # Inhibit event from getting picked up by local accelerator key handlers
        return "break"

    # Otherwise, process single character command invocations.

    # We *only* want to handle simple single-character
    # keystrokes.  This means that there must be a character
    # present and that the only state modifier permitted
    # is the Shift key
    if not event.char or (event.state and event.state != 1):

    # If the key pressed is a command key (i.e., it is in the table of
    # defined commands), get its associated string and execute the command.

    cmd  = UI.CmdTable.get(event.char, ["", "", ""])[1]
    name = UI.CmdTable.get(event.char, ["", "", ""])[0]

    # cmd == null means no matching command key -  do nothing
    # Otherwise, replace config tokens with actual file/dir names

    if cmd:
        ExecuteCommand(cmd, name)
# end of 'KeystrokeHandler()'

# Event Handler: Program Quit

def KeyQuitProg(event):

# End of 'KeyQuitProg()'

# Event Handler: Toggle Detail View

def KeyToggleDetail(event):

    UI.SetDetailedView(not UI.DetailsOn)

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyToggleDetail()'

# Event Handler: Toggle win32all Features, If Available

def KeyToggleWin32All(event):
    global WIN32ALLON
    if USEWIN32ALL and (UI.CurrentDir != SHOWDRIVES):
        WIN32ALLON = not WIN32ALLON

    return 'break'
# End of 'KeyToggleWin32All()'

#------------------- Directory Navigation -----------------#

# Event Handler: Change Directory/Path

def KeyChangeDir(event):

    newpath = askstring(pCHPATH, pENPATH, initialvalue=UI.LastPathEntered)

    if newpath:
        if MAXMENU > 0:
            UI.LastPathEntered = newpath

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyChangeDir()'

# Event Handler: Goto $HOME

def KeyHomeDir(event):

    if HOME:

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyHomeDir()'

# Event Handler: Move To Previous Directory

def KeyBackDir(event):

    # Move to last directory visited, if any - inhibit this from
    # being placed on the directory traversal stack
    if UI.LastDir:
        LoadDirList(UI.LastDir.pop(), save=FALSE)

    # No previous directory

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyBackDir()'

# Event Handler: Go To Root Directory

def KeyRootDir(event):

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyRootDir()'

# Event Handler: Go Back To Initial Directory

def KeyStartDir(event):

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyStartDir()'

# Event Handler: Move Up One Directory

def KeyUpDir(event):

    # Move up one directory level unless we're already at the root
    if UI.CurrentDir != os.path.abspath(PSEP):
        LoadDirList(UI.CurrentDir + "..")

    # Unless we're running on Win32 and we are able to do
    # a Drive List View

    elif OSNAME == 'nt' and GetWin32Drives():

    return 'break'
# End of 'KeyUpDir()'

# Event Handler: Display Drive List View On Win32, If Possible

def KeyDriveList(event):

    # This is only possible on Win32 and if there is a list of
    # drives available - i.e, If Win32All is installed

    if OSNAME == 'nt' and GetWin32Drives():

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyDriveList()

#---------------------- Selection Keys ---------------------#

# Event Handler: Select All Items

def KeySelAll(event):

    # In the case of a Drive List View, we want to literally
    # select everything.  In all other cases, we do not
    # want this feature to select the first item which is ".."

    if UI.CurrentDir == SHOWDRIVES:
        UI.DirList.selection_set(0, END)

        # Unselect first item in case it was
        # We never want to select the first item which is ".."
        UI.DirList.selection_set(1, END)

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeySelAll()'

# Event Handler: Invert Current Selection

def KeySelInv(event):

    # List of current selections
    cs= UI.DirList.curselection()

    # Select everything
    UI.DirList.selection_set(0, END)

    # And unselect what was selected
    for v in cs:

    # If we're not in a Drive List View, we never
    # select the first entry (".." this way)

    if UI.CurrentDir != SHOWDRIVES:

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeySelInv()'

# Event Handler: Select Next Item

def KeySelNext(event):

    next = UI.DirList.index(ACTIVE)

    # Don't increment if at end of list
    if (next < UI.DirList.size() - 1):
        next += 1

    UI.SetSelection((str(next),), next)

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeySelNext()'

# Event Handler: Select No Items

def KeySelNone(event):
    UI.DirList.selection_clear(0, END)

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeySelNone()'

# Event Handler: Select Previous Item

def KeySelPrev(event):
    prev = UI.DirList.index(ACTIVE)

    # Only decrement if > 0
    if prev:
        prev -= 1

    UI.SetSelection((str(prev),), prev)

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeySelPrev()'

# Event Handler: Select Last Item

def KeySelEnd(event):

    # Get index of last item in listbox
    sz = UI.DirList.size() - 1

    # And setup to last item accordingly
    UI.SetSelection((str(sz),), sz)

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeySelEnd()'

# Event Handler: Select First Item

def KeySelTop(event):

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeySelTop()'

# Event Handler: Select Using Wildcard

def KeySelWild(event, initial=""):
    # Ask the user for the wildcard pattern, using initial string, if any
    if initial:
        uwc = askstring(pWILDSEL, pENWILD, initialvalue=initial)
        uwc = askstring(pWILDSEL, pENWILD, initialvalue=UI.LastSelWildcard)        
    # Return focus to the main interface
    # Blank value means to abort
    if not uwc:

    # Clear current selections

    # Unless the user indicates otherwise, cook the regex so
    # a match can occur anywhere on the line

    if uwc[0] == STRICTMATCH:
        wc = uwc[1:]
        wc = r".*" + uwc

    # Compile it - abort if compilation fails
        wild = re.compile(wc)
        WrnMsg(wWILDCOMP % wc)
        return 'break'

    # Iterate over the current directory listing 
    # saving the indexes of items which match.
    # We start at 1 not 0 because the first entry
    # ("..") is never considered when doing wildcard
    # matching.

    matches = []
    for x in range(1,UI.DirList.size()):
        if wild.match(UI.DirList.get(x)):

    # If anything matched, select it
    if matches:
        UI.SetSelection(matches, matches[0])
    # Save the wildcard only if dynamic menus are enabled (MAXMENU > 0)
    # AND one of two conditions exist:
    #    1) No initial string was provided (The user entered a command manually).
    #    2) An initial string was provided, but the user edited it.

    if (MAXMENU > 0) and ((not initial) or (uwc != initial)):
            UI.LastSelWildcard = uwc

    # Add this wildcard to the menu if its not there alread
    if uwc not in UI.WildHist:
        UpdateMenu(UI.WildBtn, UI.WildHist, MAXMENU, MAXMENUBUF, KeySelWild, newentry=uwc, fakeevent=TRUE)

    # Dump wildcard stack if debug requested it
        PrintDebug(dWILDSTK, UI.WildHist)

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeySelWild()'

#---------------------- Scrolling Keys ---------------------#

# Event Handler: Move Down A Page

def KeyPageDown(event):
    UI.DirList.yview_scroll(1, "pages")

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyPageDown()'

# Event Handler: Move Up A Page

def KeyPageUp(event):
    UI.DirList.yview_scroll(-1, "pages")

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyPageUp()'

# Event Handler: Move Page Right

def KeyPageRight(event):
    UI.DirList.xview_scroll(1, "pages")

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyPageRight()'

# Event Handler: Move Page Left

def KeyPageLeft(event):
    UI.DirList.xview_scroll(-1, "pages")

    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyPageLeft()'

#---------------------- Execute Commands -------------------#

# Event Handler: Run Manually Entered Command

def KeyRunCommand(event, initial="", DoCmdShell=False):
    global UI

    # NOTE: DoCmdShell determines whether or not we do CMDSHELL
    # processing (if enabled).  It is *off* by default because
    # we do not want commands invoked via the command history
    # mechanism to use this feature - doing so would cause
    # cascading of the CMDSHELL string on each subsequent
    # invocation.  So, the only time we want to do CMDSHELL
    # processing is when the user presses the RUNCMD key.
    # The binding for this key thus sets DoCmdShell to True.

    # Prompt with passed initial edit string
    if initial:
        cmd = askstring(pRUNCMD, pENCMD, initialvalue=initial)

    # Prompt with last manually entered command - doesn't matter if it's null
        cmd = askstring(pRUNCMD, pENCMD, initialvalue=UI.LastCmd )

    # Execute command (if any) - Blank entry means do nothing/return
    if cmd:

        # Do CMDSHELL Processing if enabled and requested
        mycmd = cmd

        if CMDSHELL and DoCmdShell:                      # See if feature is enabled and requested
            if not mycmd.startswith(CMDSHELLESC):        # See if user is trying to escape the feature
                mycmd = "%s '%s'" % (CMDSHELL, cmd)
            else:                                        # User is escaping the feature
                mycmd = mycmd[1:]
        ExecuteCommand(mycmd, pMANUALCMD, ResolveVars=TRUE, SaveUnresolved=TRUE)

        # Save the command only if Command History is enabled (MAXMENU > 0)
        # AND one of two conditions exist:
        #    1) No initial string was provided (The user entered a command manually).
        #    2) An initial string was provided, but the user edited it.

        if (MAXMENU > 0) and ((not initial) or (cmd != initial)):
            UI.LastCmd = cmd


    return 'break'

# End of 'KeyRunCommand()'

# Event Handler: Process Current Selection

def DirListHandler(event):
    global UI
    # Get current selection.  If none, just return, otherwise process
    selected =  UI.LastInSelection()
    if not selected:
    # If we're on Win32 and we just selected ".." from the root of
    # a drive, request a display of the Drive List.  LoadDirList()
    # will check to see if there is anything in the Drive List and
    # do nothing if it is empty (which happens if the user has not
    # installed the Win32All package).

    if OSNAME=='nt' and \
               os.path.abspath(UI.CurrentDir) == os.path.abspath(UI.CurrentDir + selected):

        LoadDirList(SHOWDRIVES, save=TRUE)
        UI.MouseNewDir = TRUE

    # If selection is a directory, move there and list contents.

    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(UI.CurrentDir, selected)):

        # On Unix, don't follow links pointing back to themselves

        if OSNAME == 'posix' and os.path.samefile(UI.CurrentDir, UI.CurrentDir + selected):

            # Protect with try/except because Tk loses track of things
            # if you keep hitting this selection very rapidly - i.e. Select
            # the entry and lean on the Enter key.  The try/except
            # prevents the error message (which is benign) from ever
            # appearing on stdout.
                WrnMsg(wLINKBACK % (UI.CurrentDir + selected[:-1]))

        # Build full path name
        selected = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(UI.CurrentDir), selected)

        # Convert ending ".." into canonical path
        if selected.endswith(".."):
            selected = PSEP.join(selected.split(PSEP)[:-2])
        # Need to end the directory string with a path
        # separator character so that subsequent navigation
        # will work when we hit the root directory of the file
        # system.  In the case of Unix, this means that
        # if we ended up at the root directory, we'll just
        # get "/".  In the case of Win32, we will get
        # "DRIVE:/".

        if selected[-1] != PSEP:
            selected += PSEP

        # Load UI with new directory
        LoadDirList(selected, save=TRUE)

        # Indicate that we entered a new directory this way.
        # This is a workaround for Tk madness.  When this
        # routine is invoked via the mouse, Tk sets the
        # activation *when this routine returns*.  That means
        # that the activation set at the end of LoadDirList
        # gets overidden.  We set this flag here so that
        # we can subsequently do the right thing in our
        # background polling loop.  Although this routine
        # can also be invoked via a keyboard selection,
        # we run things this way regardless since no harm
        # will be done in the latter case.

        UI.MouseNewDir = TRUE

    # No, a *file* was selected with a double-click
    # We know what to do on Win32 and Unix.  We ignore
    # the selection elsewhere.

    elif OSNAME == 'nt':
        ExecuteCommand(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(UI.CurrentDir), selected), '', ResolveBuiltIns=FALSE, UseStartDir=TRUE)

    elif OSNAME == 'posix':
        ExecuteCommand(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(UI.CurrentDir), selected), '')

    return 'break'

# End of 'DirListHandler()'

# Event Handler: Handler Function Keys

def DirSCKeyPress(event, index):

    # Process the keypress
    dir = UI.DirSCKeys[index-1]
    if dir:

    # Inhibit further processing of key - some Function Keys
    # have default behavior in Tk which we want to suppress.

    return "break"

# End of 'DirSCKeyPress()'

#--------------------  Memory Features --------------------#

# Event Handler: Menu-Related Features Handled By Single Handler

def KeyMemHandler(mem, clear=FALSE):
    global UI
    # Clearing Memory
    if clear:

        # Clear all
        if mem == NUMPROGMEM + 1:
            UI.ProgMem = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]

        # Clear specific location
        if 0 < mem < NUMPROGMEM + 1:
            UI.ProgMem[mem-1] = []

    # Saving to memory
        for x in UI.AllSelection():

        if 0 < mem < NUMPROGMEM + 1:
            PrintDebug(dMEM % mem, UI.ProgMem[mem-1])
            PrintDebug(dMEMALL, UI.ProgMem)

    # Inhibit further processing of keystroke so Tkinter
    # defaults like Alt-F10 don't take hold.
    return "break"

# End of 'KeyMemHandler()

#------------------  Sorting Features  --------------------#

# Event Handler: Set Sort Parameters

def KeySetSortParm(parm):

    # Which entry in the Name2Key 

    refresh = FALSE

    if parm == fREVERSE:
        refresh = TRUE

    # Separate Dirs/Files Means Nothing In Drive List View - Suppress
    # this there to avoid an unnecessary refresh
    elif (parm == fSEPARATE):
        if  (UI.CurrentDir != SHOWDRIVES):
            refresh = TRUE

    # Sort By Selected Parameter
    # In Drive List View only respond to those keys that have a
    # corresponding Sort Menu Entry

        # First determine whether we even want to act on this keystroke.
        # A given keystroke is ignored if the Name of the sort option associated
        # with the current view is None (the Python value None, not the string 'None').

        # Get index of desired entry in Name2Key tuple
        if UI.CurrentDir == SHOWDRIVES:
            idx = 2
            idx = 1

        # Get the tuple associated with new key
        n2k = Name2Key[parm.lower()]

        # Get the name associated with the new key appropriate for the current view
        sortname = n2k[idx]

        # If the new key is the same as the old key, ignore - ignore, we're already
        # sorted this way.  This avoids unnecessary refreshes.
        # If the new key is (Python) None, it means we do not want to process this
        # keystoke, so ignore it.

        if (parm == SORTBYFIELD) or not sortname:

        # Go ahead and do the new sort
            SORTBYFIELD = parm
            refresh = TRUE

    if refresh:

    return 'break'

#End of 'KeySetSortParm()'

#-------------- Handler Utility Functions -----------------#

# Event Handler: Popup Menus

def PopupMenu(menu, x, y):

    # Popup requested menu at specified coordinates
    # but only if the menu has at least one entry.

    if menu.index(END):
        menu.tk_popup(x, y)

# End of 'PopupMenu()'

# Execute A Command

def ExecuteCommand(cmd, name, UseStartDir=FALSE, ResolveVars=FALSE, ResolveBuiltIns=TRUE, SaveUnresolved=FALSE):
    global UI

    # Do nothing on blank commands
    if not cmd.strip():

    # Work with a copy of the passed command
    newcmd = cmd
    # Process references to any Built-In variables
    if ResolveBuiltIns:
        newcmd = ProcessBuiltIns(cmd, name)

    # Replace references to any Environment or User-Defined variables
    # but only when asked to. - i.e., The command was manually
    # entered by the user and may contain unresolved variables.
    # (Commands the user defined in the configuration file
    # already have their variables dereferenced when that file is
    # read and parsed.)
    if newcmd and ResolveVars:
        newcmd = ProcessVariables(newcmd, 0 , name)

    # Just dump command if we're debugging

        PrintDebug(dCMD, [newcmd,])
    # A null return value means there was a problem - abort
    # Otherwise,actually execute the command.
    elif newcmd:
        # Run the command on Win32 using filename associations
        if UseStartDir:
                WrnMsg(wBADEXE % newcmd)

        # Normal command execution for both Unix and Win32
                if (OSNAME == 'posix') and not USETHREADS:
                    os.system(newcmd + " &")
                    thread.start_new_thread(os.system, (newcmd,))
                WrnMsg(wBADEXE % newcmd)

    # Update the Command History observing MAXMENU
    # In most cases, we want to save the command with all the
    # variables (Built-In, Environment, User-Defined) resolved (dereferenced).
    # However, sometimes (e.g. manual command entry via KeyRunCommand()) we
    # want to save the *unresolved* version.

    if SaveUnresolved:
        savecmd = cmd
        savecmd = newcmd

    UpdateMenu(UI.HistBtn, UI.CmdHist, MAXMENU, MAXMENUBUF, KeyRunCommand, newentry=savecmd, fakeevent=TRUE)
    # Dump Command History stack if requested
        PrintDebug(dHIST, UI.CmdHist)
# End of 'ExecuteCommand()

# Load UI With Selected Directory

def LoadDirList(newdir, save=TRUE):

    # Make sure we're permitted to navigate - we have to allow initial entry into STARTDIR
    if NONAVIGATE and (newdir != STARTDIR):

    # Transform double forward-slashes into a single
    # forward-slash.  This keeps the Directory Stack
    # and Visited lists sane under Unix and prevents
    # Win32 from attempting to enter a Drive List View
    # when the user enters this string but Win32All has
    # not been loaded.

    if newdir == '//':
        newdir = '/'

    # Get path into canonical form unless we're trying
    # to display a Win32 Drive List
    if newdir != SHOWDRIVES:
        newdir = os.path.abspath(newdir)

        # Make sure newdir properly terminated
        if newdir[-1] != PSEP:
            newdir += PSEP

    # User has requested a Drive List View.  Make sure we're
    # running on Win32 and see the feature is available.  If
    # not available (which means Win32All is not installed),
    # just ignore and return, doing nothing.

    elif OSNAME != 'nt' or  not GetWin32Drives():

    # Check right now to see if we can read
    # the directory.  If not, at least we
    # haven't screwed up the widget's current
    # contents or program state.

        contents = BuildDirList(newdir)
        # If CurrentDir set, we're still there: error w/ recovery
        if UI.CurrentDir:
            ErrMsg(eDIRRD % newdir)

        # If not, we failed on the initial directory: error & abort
            ErrMsg(eINITDIRBAD % newdir)

    # Push last directory visited onto the visited stack

    # We do NOT save this to the stack if:
    #    1) We've been told not to. - Passed when we're called (save=FALSE).
    #    2) If we're trying to move into the current directory again.
    #       This can happen either when the user does a manual directory
    #       change or if they press ".." while in root.  We don't
    #       actually want to save the directory until we *leave* it,
    #       otherwise we'll end up with a stack top and current
    #       directory which are the same, and we'll have to go
    #       back *twice* to move to the previous directory.
    # Are we trying to move back into same directory?
    if os.path.abspath(UI.CurrentDir) == os.path.abspath(newdir):
        save = FALSE

    # Now save if we're supposed to.
    if save and UI.CurrentDir:

    # Dump directory stack if debug requested it
        PrintDebug(dDIRSTK, UI.LastDir)

    # And select new directory to visit
    UI.CurrentDir = newdir

    # Wait until we have exclusive access to the widget

    while not UI.DirListMutex.testandset():

    # Clear out the old contents

    # Load new directory contents into UI
    for x in contents:
        UI.DirList.insert(END, x)

    # Also move the program context to the new directory
    # for everything except a Drive List View.  In that case
    # the program context remains in the directory from
    # which the Drive List View was selected

    if newdir != SHOWDRIVES:

    # Keep list of all unique directories visited in the Directory Menu

    # Nothing should be pre-selected in the new directory listing

    # Update Help Menu to reflect whether we're in Normal or Drive List View

    # Update Titlebar to reflect any changes

    #Release the lock

# End of 'LoadDirList():

# Return Ordered List Of Directories & Files For Current Root
# Posts A Warning Message If SORTBYFIELD Is Out Of Range

def BuildDirList(currentdir):
    global UI, SORTBYFIELD

    # Check to see if SORTBYFIELD makes sense

    if SORTBYFIELD.lower() not in Name2Key.keys():
        default = UI.OptionsString["SORTBYFIELD"]
        WrnMsg(wBADSORTFLD % (SORTBYFIELD, default))
        SORTBYFIELD = default

    UI.TotalSize = 0

    fileinfo = []
    dKeys,  fKeys  = {}, {}
    # Indicate where in each display string the actual file name
    # can be found.  This is used both in the code in this routine
    # and other places in the program where just the file name is
    # needed - for example, when we want to execute it or replace it
    # in one of the built-ins.  This value depends on whether or
    # not we are viewing details or not.
    if UI.DetailsOn:
        if currentdir == SHOWDRIVES:
            UI.NameFirst = SZ_DRIVE_TOTAL
            UI.NameFirst = ST_SZTOTAL
        UI.NameFirst = 0

    # Two possible cases have to be handled:
    # A normal directory read and a Drive List View
    # under Win32.

    # Normal directory reads
    if currentdir != SHOWDRIVES:

        # Get and sort directory contents

        filelist = os.listdir(currentdir)
        keyindex = Name2Key[SORTBYFIELD.lower()][0]
        dList, fList = [], []

        for x in range(len(filelist)):

            # Get File/Dir name
            file = filelist[x]

            # Get detail display string as well as individual fields
            detail, fields = FileDetails(file, currentdir)

            # Add trailing path separator to directory entries
            if detail[0] == ST_SPECIALS["04"]:
                    file   += PSEP
                    detail += PSEP
            # Decide whether we have to sort or not, act accordingly
            if SORTBYFIELD.lower() == fNONE.lower():

                # Nope, no sorting, just load-up the return data structures
                # with either the file name or the details string depending
                # on whether or not we're displaying details at the moment.

                if UI.DetailsOn:

            # Yup, we're going to sort later - build index/return data structures
                # Get the key by which to sort - we decrement it by one because
                # the user expresses it as a 1-relative value.
                # Collapse case on Win32 when sorting by name

                sortkey = fields[keyindex]
                if OSNAME == 'nt' and (SORTBYFIELD.lower() == fNAME.lower()):
                    sortkey = sortkey.lower()

                # Keep track of the file name and its details, separating directories from files
                # Build corresponding key list for sorting

                fileinfo.append((file, detail))

                if detail[0] == ST_SPECIALS["04"]:
                    dKeys.setdefault(sortkey, []).append(x)

                    fKeys.setdefault(sortkey, []).append(x)

        # If sorting has been requested, do so now
        if SORTBYFIELD.lower() != fNONE.lower():

            # Sort keys according to user's desire for Dir/File separation

            if SORTSEPARATE:
                dk = dKeys.keys()
                fk = fKeys.keys()

                # Combine the two key dicts into one composite
                # dictionary (dKeys)

                for key in fKeys.keys():
                    for val in fKeys[key]:
                        dKeys.setdefault(key, []).append(val)

                dk = dKeys.keys()
                fk = []

            # Reverse the sorts, if requested

            if SORTREVERSE:

            # Build corresponding dir/file lists, observing user's
            # request for detail information

            for x in dk:

                for index in dKeys[x]:

                    if UI.DetailsOn:

            for x in fk:

                for index in fKeys[x]:

                    if UI.DetailsOn:

            # Sorting logic ends here

        # Now return results in their final form

        if UI.DetailsOn:
            dotdot = [FileDetails(".." + PSEP, currentdir)[0],]
            dotdot = [".." + PSEP,]

        # Return the results
        # Entry to move up one directory is always first,
        # no matter what the sort.  This is necessary because
        # OSs like Win32 like to use '$' in file names  which
        # sorts before "."

        if SORTREVERSE:
            return dotdot + fList + dList
            return dotdot + dList + fList

    # The user requested Drive List View.

        dlv     = {}
        dList   = []

        # There are more keys in normal view than in Drive List View
        # If the user has selected one of these, map them to sort
        # by name in Drive List View.        

        dlvkey = Name2Key[SORTBYFIELD.lower()][0]
        if dlvkey > MAXDLVKEY:
            dlvkey = MAXDLVKEY

        drivelist = GetWin32Drives()

        # Create a detailed entry for each drive on the system
        # Store it as a string in the details list which will
        # then be returned to the caller

        for drive in drivelist:

            fields  = []      

            # Drive Label - Drive Might Not Be Available
                label = GetVolumeInformation(drive)[0]
                label = NODRIVE

            if not label:
                label = NOLABEL

            # Type Of Drive - We need this now to get hostname
            drivetype = GetDriveType(drive)
            typestring = ''

            for type, stype in win32all_type:
                if drivetype == type:
                    typestring = stype

            # Machine Hosting The Drive
            if drivetype == win32con.DRIVE_REMOTE:
                name = WNetGetUniversalName(drive, 1)
                name = label

            entry = PadString(name, SZ_DRIVE_SHARE)

            # Add the drive type
            entry += PadString(typestring, SZ_DRIVE_TYPE)

            # Get Drive Space Information - Drive Might Not Be Available
                clustersz, sectorsz, freeclusters, totalclusters = GetDiskFreeSpace(drive)

                # Free Space
                fspace = clustersz * sectorsz * freeclusters
                freespace = FileLength(fspace)

                # Total Space
                tspace = clustersz * sectorsz * totalclusters
                totalspace = FileLength(tspace)
                fspace, tspace = (0, 0)
                freespace, totalspace = ('0', '0')

            freespace  = PadString(freespace, SZ_DRIVE_FREE, Rjust=TRUE)
            totalspace = PadString(totalspace, SZ_DRIVE_TTL, Rjust=TRUE)
            entry += "%s%s%s%s" % (freespace, WIN32FREE, totalspace, WIN32TOTAL)


            # Finally, tack on the drive letter
            entry += drive

            # If we're not going to sort later, just build the list
            # of drives now

            if SORTBYFIELD.lower() == fNONE.lower():
                if UI.DetailsOn:

            # Nope, prepare to sort later
                idx = fields[dlvkey]
                dlv.setdefault(idx,[]).append((drive, entry))

        # Now that we've built the list, sort by indicated parameter
        # if user has so indicated
        if SORTBYFIELD.lower() != fNONE.lower():

            indexes = dlv.keys()

            if SORTREVERSE:

            # Now build output list in sorted order

            for x in indexes:

                for entry in dlv[x]:

                    if UI.DetailsOn:

        # Return the list

        return dList

# End of  'BuildDirList()'

# Get Details For A File Or Directory
# Returns Both A Formatted Display String With Detail Information,
# And A List Containing The Individual Detail Fields

def FileDetails(name, currentdir):
    details = ""
    fields  = []
    # Condition the name

    fn = os.path.join(currentdir, name)
    if fn[-1] == PSEP:
        fn =fn[:-1]

    # Get file details from OS
        stinfo =  os.lstat(fn)

    # 'lstat' failed - provide entry with some indication of this

        pad  = (UI.NameFirst - len(iNOSTAT) - 1) * " "
        details = pad + iNOSTAT + " " + name
        fields  = ["-" * 10, 0, UNAVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE, 0L, 0, name]

        # Done with this file
        return details, fields

    # Do Win32-specific mode if win32all is loaded
    if WIN32ALL and USEWIN32ALL and WIN32ALLON:
        modlen = len(win32all_mode)

            win32stat = GetFileAttributes(fn)
            mode = ""
            mode = UNAVAILABLE

        if not mode:

            # Test each attribute and set symbol in respective
            # position, if attribute is true.

            for i in range(modlen):
                mask, sym = win32all_mode[i]
                if win32stat & mask:
                    mode += sym
                    mode += '-'

    # We're either on Unix or Win32 w/o win32all available
        # Mode - 1st get into octal string

        mode = stinfo[ST_MODE]
        modestr =  str("%06o" % mode)

        # Set the permission bits

        mode = ""
        for x in [-3, -2, -1]:
            mode +=  ST_PERMIT[int(modestr[x])]

        # Deal with the special permissions

        sp = int(modestr[-4])

        # Sticky Bit

        if sp & STICKY_MASK:
            if mode[-1] == "x":
                mode = mode[:-1] + "t"
                mode = mode[:-1] + "T"

        # Setgid Bit

        if sp & SETGID_MASK:
            if mode[-4] == "x":
                mode = mode[:-4] + "s" + mode[-3:]
                mode = mode[:-4] + "S" + mode[-3:]

        # Setuid Bit

        if sp & SETUID_MASK:
            if mode[-7] == "x":
                mode = mode[:-7] + "s" + mode[-6:]
                mode = mode[:-7] + "S" + mode[-6:]

        # Pickup the special file types
        mode = ST_SPECIALS.get(modestr[0:2], "?") + mode

    # Pad the result for column alignment
    details += PadString(mode, ST_SZMODE)

    # Number of links to entry
    nlinks = stinfo[ST_NLINK]
    details += PadString(str(nlinks), ST_SZNLINK)

    # Get first ST_SZxNAME chars of owner and group names on unix

    if OSNAME == 'posix':

        # Convert UID to name, if possible
            owner = pwd.getpwuid(stinfo[ST_UID])[0][:ST_SZUNAME-1]

        # No valid name associated with UID, so use number instead
            owner = str(stinfo[ST_UID])

        # Convert GID to name, if possible
            group = grp.getgrgid(stinfo[ST_GID])[0][:ST_SZGNAME-1]

        # No valid name associated with GID, so use number instead
            group = str(stinfo[ST_GID])

    # Handle Win32 systems
    elif OSNAME == 'nt':

        # Defaults
        owner = WIN32OWNER
        group = WIN32GROUP

        if WIN32ALL and USEWIN32ALL and WIN32ALLON:
                # Get the internal Win32 security information for this file.
                ho     = GetFileSecurity(fn, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION)
                hg     = GetFileSecurity(fn, GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION)
                sido   = ho.GetSecurityDescriptorOwner()
                sidg   = hg.GetSecurityDescriptorGroup()

                # We have to know who is hosting the filesytem for this file

                drive = fn[0:3]
                if GetDriveType(drive) == win32con.DRIVE_REMOTE:
                    fnhost = WNetGetUniversalName(drive, 1).split('\\')[2]
                    fnhost = WIN32HOST

                # Now we can translate the sids into names

                owner  = LookupAccountSid(fnhost, sido)[0]
                group  = LookupAccountSid(fnhost, sidg)[0]

            # We assume the values are unavailable on any error
                owner = UNAVAILABLE
                group = UNAVAILABLE

     # Default names for all other OSs
        owner = OSNAME + FILEOWNER
        group = OSNAME + FILEGROUP

    # Add them to the detail

    details += PadString(owner, ST_SZUNAME)
    details += PadString(group, ST_SZGNAME)

    # Add them to the fields


    # Length

    rlen = stinfo[ST_SIZE]
    flen = FileLength(rlen)
    details += PadString(flen, ST_SZLEN)
    UI.TotalSize += rlen

    # mtime

    rawtime = stinfo[ST_MTIME]
    # Get the whole time value
    ftime = time.ctime(rawtime).split()[1:]

    # Pad single-digit dates with leading space

    if len(ftime[1]) == 1:
        ftime[1] = " " + ftime[1]

    # Drop the seconds
    ftime[-2] = ":".join(ftime[-2].split(":")[:-1])

    # Turn into a single string
    ftime = " ".join(ftime)

    details += PadString(ftime, ST_SZMTIME)

    # Add the File Name
    details += name

    #  Include symlink details as necessary
    if details[0] == 'l':

        # If the symlink points to a file
        # in the same directory, just show
        # the filename and not the whole path

        f = os.path.realpath(currentdir + name)
        r = os.path.split(f)
        if r[0] == currentdir[:-1]:
            f = r[1]

        details += SYMPTR + f

    return details, fields

# End of 'FileDetails()'

# Process A Command Line Containing Built-In Variables

def ProcessBuiltIns(cmd, name):

    # First do any prompting required

    for promptvar, handler, replace in ((YESNO, askyesno, FALSE), (PROMPT, askstring, TRUE)):

        for x in range(cmd.count(promptvar)):
            b = cmd.find(promptvar)
            e = cmd.find("]", b)
            prompt = cmd[b + len(promptvar):e]
            val = handler(name, prompt)

            # Make sure our program gets focus back

            if val:
                if replace:
                    cmd = cmd.replace(cmd[b:e+1], QUOTECHAR + val + QUOTECHAR)
                    cmd = cmd.replace(cmd[b:e+1], '')

            # Null input means the command is being aborted

    # Now do files & directories
    # Strip trailing path separators in each case to
    # give the command author the maximum flexibility possible

    # We have to treat built-ins specially if we're in a Drive List View
    # Most noteably, there is no meaning to [DIR] in this context

    if UI.CurrentDir == SHOWDRIVES:
        currentdir = ""
        currentdir = UI.CurrentDir

    cmd = cmd.replace(DIR, QUOTECHAR + StripPSEP(currentdir) + QUOTECHAR)

    selection = StripPSEP(UI.LastInSelection())
    dselection = ""

    if selection:
        dselection = QUOTECHAR + currentdir + selection + QUOTECHAR
        selection  = QUOTECHAR + selection + QUOTECHAR
    cmd = cmd.replace(SELECTION, selection)
    cmd = cmd.replace(DSELECTION, dselection)

    selections = ""
    dselections = ""
    for selected in UI.AllSelection():

        # Fill the various built-ins
        selected = StripPSEP(selected)
        dselections += QUOTECHAR + currentdir + selected + QUOTECHAR + " "
        selections  += QUOTECHAR + selected + QUOTECHAR + " "
    cmd = cmd.replace(SELECTIONS, selections)
    cmd = cmd.replace(DSELECTIONS, dselections)
    cmd = cmd.replace(HASH, COMMENT)
    # Process references to program memories

    for x in range(NUMPROGMEM):

        # Only do this if there is a reference to the memory in
        # question.  This keeps the program from needlessly
        # churning on long lists of memory contents which are not needed.

        vblref = "[MEM%s]" % str(x+1)
        if cmd.count(vblref):
            s = ""
            for m in UI.ProgMem[x]:
                s += QUOTECHAR + m + QUOTECHAR + " "
            cmd = cmd.replace(vblref, s)
    return cmd

# End of 'ProcessBuiltIns()'    

# Process/Replace References To User-Defined & Environment Variables

def ProcessVariables(cmd, num, line):

    doeval = TRUE
    depth  = 0

    while doeval:

        # Bound the number of times we can nest a definition
        # to prevent self-references which give infinite nesting depth

        depth += 1
        if (depth > MAXNESTING):
            doeval = FALSE

            # See if there are still unresolved variable references.
            # If so, let the user know

            if REVAR.findall(cmd):
                WrnMsg(wVBLTOODEEP % (num, cmd))
                return ""

        # Get a list of variable references
        vbls = REVAR.findall(cmd)

        # Throw away references to Built-In Variables - these are
        # processed at runtime and should be left alone here.

        # Note that we iterate over a *copy* of the variables
        # list, because we may be changing that list contents
        # as we go.  i.e., It is bogus to iterate over a list
        # which we are changing during the iteration.

        for x in vbls[:]:

            # Ignore references to Built-In Variables here - They are
            # processed at runtime.

            if UI.BuiltIns.has_key(x):

            elif x.startswith(PROMPT):

            elif x.startswith(YESNO):

        if vbls:
            for x in vbls:
                vbl = x[1:-1]

                # Process ordinary variables
                if UI.SymTable.has_key(vbl):
                    cmd = cmd.replace(x, UI.SymTable[vbl])

                # Process environment variables.
                # If an environment variable is referenced,
                # but not defined, this is a fatal error

                elif vbl[0] == ENVVBL:
                    envvbl = os.getenv(vbl[1:])
                    if envvbl:
                        cmd = cmd.replace(x, envvbl)
                        WrnMsg(wBADENVVBL % (num, x, line))
                        return ""

                # Process references to undefined variables
                    WrnMsg(wUNDEFVBL % (num, x, line))
                    return ""

        # No substitutions left to do
            doeval = FALSE

    return cmd
# End of 'ProcessVariables()'

# Refresh Contents Of Directory Listing To Stay In Sync With Reality

def RefreshDirList(*args):

    # Wait until we have exclusive access to the widget

    while not UI.DirListMutex.testandset():

    # Get current selection and active

    sellist  = UI.DirList.curselection()
    active = UI.DirList.index(ACTIVE)

    # Save current scroll positions

    xs = UI.hSB.get()
    ys = UI.vSB.get()

    # Clean out old listbox contents

    # Save the new directory information
    UI.DirList.insert(0, *BuildDirList(UI.CurrentDir))

    # Restore selection(s)
    UI.SetSelection(sellist, active)

    # Restore scroll positions

    UI.DirList.xview(MOVETO, xs[0])
    UI.DirList.yview(MOVETO, ys[0])

    # Update titlebar to reflect any changes

    # Release the mutex

    return 'break'

# End of 'RefreshDirList()

#---------------- Menu Support Functions ------------------#

# Handle Command Menu Selections

def CommandMenuSelection(cmdkey):

    class event:

    event.state = 0
    event.char  = cmdkey

# End Of 'CommandMenuSelection()'

# Process Options

def ProcessOptions():

    # Setup The GUI Visual Parameters, Menus, & Help Information


    # Reflect Our Changes In The Interface


    # Dump requested debug information
    # Keyboard Assignments

        # Keyboard Bindings
        PrintDebug(dKEYBINDS, GetKeyBindings())
        # Function Keys (Directory Shortcuts)
        PrintDebug(dFUNCKEYS, GetDirShortcuts())

    # User-Defined Variables
        PrintDebug(dSYMTBL, GetUserVbls())

    # Command Definitions
        PrintDebug(dCMDTBL, GetCommandTable())        

    # Internal Program Variables AndOptions

        # Internal variabled
        PrintDebug(dINTVAR, GetIntVars())

        # User-Settable options
        PrintDebug(dOPTVAR, GetOptions())

    # If we just wanted debug output, quit now

# End of 'ProcessOptions()'

# Add An Entry To The List Of All Directories Visited
# Do this only if it is not already on the list and
# observe the MAXMENU variable to keep list length bounded.

def UpdateDirMenu(newdir):
    global UI
    # Win32 collapses case so that 'x' and 'X' refer to the same
    # directory.  We want to preserve this in the user's display
    # but we have to collapse case for the purposes of doing our
    # checks below otherwise the same directory with different
    # capitalization (if the user manually enteres it that way)
    # can appear twice in the Directory Menu

    addentry = FALSE
    if OSNAME == 'nt':

        # First make a case-collapsed copy of the existing list

        dlc = []
        [dlc.append(d.lower()) for d in UI.AllDirs]

        # Now see if our new entry is already there

        if newdir.lower() not in dlc:
            addentry = TRUE

    elif newdir not in UI.AllDirs:
        addentry = TRUE

    # Now add the entry if we decided it was necessary. observing MAXMENU value.

    if addentry:
        UpdateMenu(UI.DirBtn, UI.AllDirs, MAXMENU, MAXMENUBUF, LoadDirList, sort=TRUE, newentry=newdir)

# End of 'UpdateDirMenu()'

# Generic Menu Update Routine

def UpdateMenu(menubtn, datastore, max, maxbuf, func, sort=FALSE, newentry="", fakeevent=FALSE):

    # First add the new data, if any, to the specified data storage stucture.

    if newentry:
    # Now trim it to requested maximum length. 'max' sets how
    # many entries we see in the menu, and 'maxbuf' sets how large
    # the actual storage buffer is allowed to get.

    datastore[:] = datastore[-maxbuf:]

    # We do not sort the data storage itself if sorting has been requested.
    # We sort the *copy*.  That way we get the 'last _max_ items in
    # sorted order.' (If we sorted the master copy, we would lose
    # track of the order in which things were placed there.)

    data = datastore[:]
    if not max:
        data = []
    elif len(data) > max:
        data = datastore[-max:]

    # Initialize the menu to empty,END)
    if len(data):
        if sort:
        for entry in data:
            if fakeevent:
      , command=lambda item=entry: func(None, item))
      , command=lambda item=entry: func(item))
        menubtn['menu'] =

        # Menu now has content, enable it

# End of 'UpdateMenu()'

#---------------- Debug Support Functions -----------------#

# Return List Of Command Table Entries

def GetCommandTable():

    debuginfo = []
    for key in UI.CmdTable.keys():
        name = UI.CmdTable[key][0]
        cmd  = UI.CmdTable[key][1]
        debuginfo.append(PadString(key + "   " + name, dCMDWIDTH) + cmd)

    return debuginfo

# End of 'GetCommandTable()'

# Return List Of Current Directory Shortcuts

def GetDirShortcuts():

    debuginfo = []
    for x in range(len(UI.DirSCKeys)):
        key = "F" + str(x+1)
        path = UI.DirSCKeys[x]
        if path:
            debuginfo.append(PadString(key, dSCWIDTH) + path)

    return debuginfo

# End of 'GetDirShortcuts()'

# Return List Of Internal Variables

def GetIntVars():

    debuginfo = []
    for v in DebugVars:
            debuginfo.append(PadString(v, dINTVARWIDTH) + (str(eval(v)) or dNULL))

    return debuginfo

# End of 'GetIntVars()'

# Return List Of Current Key Bindings

def GetKeyBindings():

    debuginfo = []
    # Get sorted list of all function names
    kb = UI.KeyBindings.keys()

    # Make sure it is of even length, so we can format 2-at-a-time
    if len(kb) % 2:

    # Now setup two lists - 1st and last half respectively
    m = len(kb)/2
    l1 = kb[:m]
    l2 = kb[m:]

    # Format the bindings for output, 2 per line
    x = 0
    while(x < m):

        k1 = l1[x]
        v1 = UI.KeyBindings[k1]
        k2 = l2[x]
        if k2:
            v2 = UI.KeyBindings[k2]
            v2 = ""

        s1 = PadString(k1, dKEYWIDTH) + v1
        s2 = PadString(k2, dKEYWIDTH) + v2
        debuginfo.append(PadString(s1, dTWOUPWIDTH) + s2)
        x += 1

    return debuginfo

# End of 'GetKeyBindings()'

# Return List Of User-Settable Options

def GetOptions():

    debuginfo = []
    for l,f in ((UI.OptionsBoolean, True), (UI.OptionsNumeric, False), (UI.OptionsString, False)):
        for v in l:
            value = eval(v)
            # Translate Booleans into True/False strings
            if f:
                if value:
                    s = dTRUE
                    s = dFALSE

            # Translate all others into string representations
                s = str(value)

            debuginfo.append(PadString(v, dOPTIONWIDTH) + (s or dNULL))

    return debuginfo

# End of 'GetOptions()'

# Return List Of User-Defined Variables

def GetUserVbls():

    debuginfo = []
    for sym in UI.SymTable.keys():
        debuginfo.append(PadString(sym, dUSRVBLWIDTH) + UI.SymTable[sym])

    return debuginfo

# End of 'GetUserVbls()'

#                  Program Entry Point                     #

# Create an instance of the UI

UIroot = Tk()
UI = twanderUI(UIroot)

# Make the Tk window the topmost in the Z stack.
# 'Gotta do this or Win32 will not return input
# focus to our program after a startup warning
# display.


# Setup global UI variables

# Setup Built-In Variables
               MEM1:"", MEM2:"", MEM3:"", MEM4:"", MEM5:"", MEM6:"",
               MEM7:"", MEM8:"", MEM9:"", MEM10:"", MEM11:"", MEM12:"", 
               PROMPT:"", SELECTION:"", SELECTIONS:"", YESNO:""}

# Options (and their default values) which can be set in the configuration file

                     "USEWIN32ALL":USEWIN32ALL, "WARN":WARN}


UI.OptionsString  = {"BCOLOR":BCOLOR,   "FCOLOR":FCOLOR,   "FNAME":FNAME,   "FWT":FWT,    # Main Font/Colors
                     "MBCOLOR":MBCOLOR, "MFCOLOR":MFCOLOR, "MFNAME":MFNAME, "MFWT":MFWT,  # Menu Font/Colors
                     "HBCOLOR":HBCOLOR, "HFCOLOR":HFCOLOR, "HFNAME":HFNAME, "HFWT":HFWT,  # Help Font/Colors

# Prepare storage for key bindings
UI.KeyBindings = {}

# Initialize list of all directories visited
UI.AllDirs    = []

# Initialize directory stack
UI.LastDir    = []

# Initialize storage for last manually entered directory path
UI.LastPathEntered = ""

# Initialize storage for last manually entered selection wildcard
UI.LastSelWildcard = ""

# And current location
UI.CurrentDir = ""

# Initialize various menu data structures

# Initialize Storage For Program Memories

UI.ProgMem = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]

# Need mutex to serialize on widget updates
UI.DirListMutex = mutex.mutex()

# Intialize the "new dir via mouse" flag
UI.MouseNewDir = FALSE

# Initialize the polling counter
UI.ElapsedTime = 0

# Start in detailed mode

# Command line processing - Options are set with the
# following priority scheme (lowest to highest):
#    1) Defaults coded into the program
#    2) Options set in the configuration file
#    3) Options set in the environment variable
#    4) Options set on the command line

# Concatenate any environment variable with the
# command line so the command line takes precedence.

OPTIONS = sys.argv[1:]
envopt = os.getenv(PROGNAME.upper())
if envopt:
    OPTIONS = envopt.split() + OPTIONS

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(OPTIONS, '-c:d:hqrtv')
except getopt.GetoptError:

# If the user wants help or version information, do this first
# so we don't bother with other options processing

for opt, val in opts:
    if opt == "-h":
    if opt == "-v":
        print RCSID

# Read configuration file before any other arguments.  This allows the
# environment variable and then the command line to override any
# settings in the configuration file.

for opt, val in opts:
    if opt == "-c":
        CONF = os.path.abspath(val)

# Parse the configuration file, but suppress options
# processing - on startup this is done just before
# we enter the main message loop to make sure we
# pickup any options changes from the environment
# variable or command line.

ProcessConfiguration(None, DoOptionsProcessing=FALSE)

# Process the rest of the options, if any

for opt, val in opts:
    if opt == "-d":
        DEBUGLEVEL = val

        # If we're going to be dumping debug info, print header
        if DEBUGLEVEL:
            print dHEADER % time.asctime()

    if opt == "-q":
        WARN = FALSE
    if opt == "-r":
    if opt == "-t":
        QUOTECHAR = ""
    if opt == "-x":
        WIDTH = val
    if opt == "-y":
        HEIGHT = val

# Figure out where to start - Environment/Command Line overrides config
# file STARTDIR option.  Program can only have 0 or 1 arguments.  Make
# sure any startdir argument is legit

if len(args) > 1:

if len(args) == 1:
    STARTDIR = args[0]

    # Windows is sloppy about accepting both '//' and '\\'
    # so we have to condition the command line input for consistency.

    if OSNAME == 'nt' and STARTDIR == '//':

    # Make sure any user request to start in a Drive List View
    # is possible.  If not, just start in the root directory.
    if STARTDIR == SHOWDRIVES and (OSNAME != 'nt' or not GetWin32Drives()):
    if not os.path.isdir(STARTDIR):
        ErrMsg(eBADROOT % STARTDIR)

    # Save this value as the default for STARTDIR
    UI.OptionsString["STARTDIR"] = STARTDIR

# Get starting directory into canonical form
STARTDIR = os.path.abspath(STARTDIR)

# Initialize the UI directory listing

# Process options to catch any changes detected in
# environment variable or command line


# And start the periodic polling of the widget

# Run the program interface