tconfpy /
@tundra tundra on 14 Mar 2004 13 KB Cleaned up error messages.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 TundraWare Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# For Updates See:

# Program Information

PROGNAME = "tconfpy"
RCSID = "$Id:,v 1.115 2004/03/14 20:59:08 tundra Exp $"
VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]

# Copyright Information

CPRT         = chr(169)
DATE         = "2003-2004"
OWNER        = "TundraWare Inc."
RIGHTS       = "All Rights Reserved"
COPYRIGHT    = "Copyright %s %s %s,  %s." % (CPRT, DATE, OWNER, RIGHTS)
BANNER       = "%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (PROGINFO, COPYRIGHT, RCSID)

#            Variables User Might Change                   #

#------------------- Nothing Below Here Should Need Changing -----------------#

#              Public Features Of This Module              #

__all__ = ["ParseConfig"]

#                       Imports                            #

import os.path
import re

#                 Aliases & Redefinitions                  #

#                Constants & Literals                      #

# Constants

# Formatting Constants

MSGPOS      = 10                     # Where to start message output
FILENUM     = "[File: %s Line: %s]"  # Display filename and linenum
PTR         = "   --->   "           # Textual pointer for debug output

# Special And Reserved Symbols

HASH        = r'#'
COMMENT     = HASH         # Comment introducer character
DELIML      = r'['         # Left delimiter for vbl reference
DELIMR      = r']'         # Right delimiter for vbl reference
DOLLAR      = r'$'         # Used to note enviro vbl
EQUAL       = r'='         # Used in vbl definition
EQUIV       = r"=="        # Used in conditional tests
NOTEQUIV    = r"!="        # Used in conditional tests

# Control and conditional symbols

CONDINTRO   = '.'          # Conditional introducer token
INCLUDE     = CONDINTRO + "include"
ENDIF       = CONDINTRO + "endif"
IF          = CONDINTRO + "if"
IFNOT       = CONDINTRO + "ifnot"

Reserved    = ["DELIML", "DELIMR", "DOLLAR", "EQUAL", "EQUIV", "NOTEQUIV",
               "HASH", "INCLUDE", "ENDIF", "IF", "IFNOT"]

# Regular Expressions

reVARREF    = r"\%s.+?\%s" % (DELIML, DELIMR)  # Variable reference
VarRef      = re.compile(reVARREF)

# Literals

TRUE   = str(True)
FALSE  = str(False)

#          Global Variables & Data Structures              #

DEBUG         = False  # Control Debug output
IGNORECASE    = False  # Case observed by default

DebugMsg      = []       # Place to store and return debug info
ErrMsgs       = []       # Place to store and return errors
WarnMsgs      = []       # Place to store and return warnings

CondStack     = [True,]  # Conditional stack
TotalLines    = 0        # Total number of lines parsed

# Symbol Table

# Symbol Table is a dictionary in the form:
#  {varname : descriptor}
#  where the descriptor is a list:
# [value, iswriteable, type, default value, [list of legal vals], min, max]

# Indexes Into Symbol Table Variable Descriptor

SYM_TYPE    = 2
SYM_MIN     = 5
SYM_MAX     = 6

# Legal Variable Types

TYP_BOOL    = 'b'
TYP_FLOAT   = 'f'
TYP_INT     = 'i'

# Boolean Flags


# Initialize the table using the builtin symbols

SymTable     = {}

for sym in Reserved:

                SymTable[sym] = [eval(sym),
                                 not SYM_WRITEABLE,

#              Prompts, & Application Strings              #

# Debug Messages

dDEBUG      = "DEBUG"

dBLANKLINE  = "Parsed To Blank Line - Ignored"
dLINEIGNORE = FILENUM + "  '%s' " + PTR + "%s\n"
dNOTINCLUDE = "Line Ignored/Not Included"
dNUMLINES   = "Processing File '%s' Resulted In %d Total Lines Parsed"
dPARSEDLINE = FILENUM + "  '%s'" + PTR + "'%s'\n"

# Error Messages

eERROR      = "ERROR"

eBADCOND    = FILENUM + " Bad Conditional Expression - %s:  '%s'"
eCONFOPEN   = "Cannot Open The File '%s'"
eENDIFEXTRA = FILENUM + " '" + ENDIF + "' Without Matching Condition"
eENDIFMISS  = FILENUM + " Missing %d '" + ENDIF + "' Statement(s)"
eNOVARREF   = "Must Have At Least One Variable Reference"
eVARUNDEF   = FILENUM + " " + "Attempt To Reference Undefined Variable '%s'"

# Warning Messages


wTRAILING    = FILENUM + " Trailing Text After '%s' Statement Ignored"

#--------------------------- Code Begins Here ---------------------------------#

#             Object Base Class Definitions                #

#               Utility Function Definitions               #

# Create A Debug Message

def DebugMsg(dmsg):

    global DebugMsgs
    DebugMsgs.append(mkmsg(dmsg, dDEBUG))

# End of 'DebugMsg()'

# Create An Error Message

def ErrorMsg(error):

    global ErrMsgs
    ErrMsgs.append(mkmsg(error + "!", eERROR))

# End of 'ErrorMsg()'

# Create A Warning Message

def WarningMsg(warning):

    global WarnMsgs
    WarnMsgs.append(mkmsg(warning + "!", wWARNING))

# End of 'WarningMsg()'

# Construct A Standard Application Message String

def mkmsg(msg, msgtype=""):

    if msgtype:
        msgtype += ">"
    pad = " " * (MSGPOS - len(msgtype))

    return "%s %s%s%s" % (PROGINFO, msgtype, pad, msg)

# End of 'mkmsg()'

#              Entry Point On Direct Invocation            #

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print BANNER

#                  Public API To Module                    #

def ParseConfig(cfgfile, symtbl={}, IgnoreCase=False, debug=False):

    global DebugMsgs, ErrMsgs, WarnMsgs
    global CondStack, DEBUG, IGNORECASE, SymTable, TotalLines
    # Initialize the globals

    DEBUG         = debug
    IGNORECASE    = IgnoreCase

    DebugMsgs     = []
    ErrMsgs       = []
    WarnMsgs      = []

    CondStack     = [True,]
    TotalLines    = 0

    # Add any passed symbols to the SymbolTable

    for sym in symtbl:
        SymTable[sym] = symtbl[sym] 

    # Parse the file


    # Return the parsing results

    if DEBUG:
        DebugMsg(dNUMLINES %(cfgfile, TotalLines))
    return (SymTable, ErrMsgs, WarnMsgs, DebugMsgs)

# End of 'ParseConfig()'

#              Parser Support Functions                    #

# Condition A Line - Remove Comments & Leading/Trailing Whitespace

def ConditionLine(line):

    return line.split(COMMENT)[0].strip()

# End of 'ConditionLine()'

# Dereference Variables

def DerefVar(line, cfgfile, linenum, reporterr=True):

    # Find all symbols refrences and replace w/sym table entry if present

    ref_ok = True
    for var in VarRef.findall(line):

        sym = var[1:-1]   # Strip delimiters
        if sym in SymTable:
            line = line.replace(var, str(SymTable[sym][SYM_VALUE]))

        # Reference to undefined variable
            # There are times a reference to an undefined variable
            # should not produce and error message.  For example,
            # during existential conditional processing, we just
            # want to check whether variables are defined or not.
            # Attempts to reference undefined variables are legitimate
            # in this case and ought not to generate an error message.

            if reporterr:
                ErrorMsg(eVARUNDEF % (cfgfile, linenum, sym))

            ref_ok = False
    return line, ref_ok

# End of 'DerefVar()'

# Parse A File

def ParseFile(cfgfile):

    global IgnoreCase, MsgList, SymTable, TotalLines

        cf = open(cfgfile)
        # Successful open of config file - Begin processing it


        # Process and massage the configuration file
        for line in
            linenum += 1
            TotalLines += 1

            # Parse this line
            ParseLine(line, cfgfile, linenum)

        # Close the config file

    # File open failed for some reason

        ErrorMsg(eCONFOPEN % cfgfile)  # Record the error

    # Make sure we had all condition blocks balanced with matching '.endif'

    finalcond = len(CondStack)
    if finalcond != 1:
        ErrorMsg(eENDIFMISS % (cfgfile, linenum, finalcond-1))

# End of 'ParseFile()'

# Parse A Line

def ParseLine(line, cfgfile, linenum):

    global CondStack, MsgList, SymTable

    orig = line              # May need copy of original for debug output
    line = ConditionLine(line)

    # Beginning Of Line Parser

    # Only attempt on non-blank lines
    if line:

        # .endif Processing - Must be done before state check
        #                     because .endif can change state

        if line.startswith(ENDIF):

            # This should be the only thing on the line
            if line != ENDIF:
                WarningMsg(wTRAILING % (cfgfile, linenum, ENDIF))

            # Remove one level of nesting

            # Error, if there are more .endifs than conditionals
            if not CondStack:
                ErrorMsg(eENDIFEXTRA % (cfgfile, linenum))
                CondStack.append(False)  # Inhibit further parsing

        # Check State Of Parser

        if not CondStack[-1]:
            if DEBUG:
                DebugMsg(dLINEIGNORE % (cfgfile, linenum, orig, dNOTINCLUDE))

        # .include Processing

        if line.startswith(INCLUDE):

        # .if Processing
        # Must be one of the following forms -
        #    .if string
        #    .ifnot string
        #    .if string == string
        #    .if string != string
        #    where string can be any concatentation of text and variable references

        if line.startswith(IFNOT) or line.startswith(IF):

            # NOTE: This next bit of logic will fail if you do not
            #       test the longest of the tokens first!!!!
            if line.startswith(IFNOT):
                line = line.split(IFNOT)[1].strip()
                invert = True
                line = line.split(IF)[1].strip()
                invert = False

            # Handle Equality Form: ".if string == string"
            if line.count(EQUIV):

            # Handle InEquality Form: ".if string != string"
            elif line.count(NOTEQUIV):

            # Handle Existential Forms ".if/.ifnot string"

                # There must be at least one var reference in the condition
                if len(VarRef.findall(line)) > 0:

                    # See if the variable(s) resolve
                    line, ref_ok = DerefVar(line, cfgfile, linenum, reporterr=False)

                    # If we're using '.ifnot', invert the sense of the logic
                    if invert:
                        ref_ok = not ref_ok

                    # Set parser state accordingly
                    if ref_ok:
                        line = TRUE
                        line = FALSE

                # Bogus conditional syntax
                    ErrorMsg(eBADCOND % (cfgfile, linenum, eNOVARREF, orig))

        line, ref_ok = DerefVar(line, cfgfile, linenum)


    # End Of Line Parser

    if DEBUG:

        # Note blank lines for debug purposes
        if not line:
            DebugMsg(dLINEIGNORE % (cfgfile, linenum, orig, dBLANKLINE))

            DebugMsg(dPARSEDLINE % (cfgfile, linenum, orig, line))

# End of 'ParseLine'