tconfpy /
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2003 TundraWare Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# For Updates See:

# Program Information

PROGNAME = "tconfpy"
RCSID = "$Id:,v 1.103 2004/03/09 23:39:33 tundra Exp $"
VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]

# Copyright Information

CPRT         = chr(169)
DATE         = "2003-2004"
OWNER        = "TundraWare Inc."
RIGHTS       = "All Rights Reserved"
COPYRIGHT    = "Copyright %s %s %s,  %s." % (CPRT, DATE, OWNER, RIGHTS)
BANNER       = "%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (PROGINFO, COPYRIGHT, RCSID)

#            Variables User Might Change                   #

#------------------- Nothing Below Here Should Need Changing -----------------#

#              Public Features Of This Module              #

__all__ = ["ParseConfig"]

#                       Imports                            #

import os.path

#                 Aliases & Redefinitions                  #

#                Constants & Literals                      #

# Constants

COMMENT     = '#'         # Comment introducer character
MSGPOS      = 10          # Where to start message output
PARSEOK     = True        # Indicates successful parsing

# Literals

#              Prompts, & Application Strings              #

# Debug Messages

dDEBUG     = "DEBUG"
dNUMLINES  = "Processed %d Lines In '%s'"

# Error Messages

eCONFOPEN  =  "Cannot Open The File '%s'"
eERROR     =  "ERROR"

# Prompts

# Warning Messages


#          Global Variables & Data Structures              #

DEBUG         = False  # Control Debug output
IGNORECASE    = False  # Case observed by default

DebugMsg      = []     # Place to store and return debug info
ErrMsgs       = []     # Place to store and return errors
WarnMsgs      = []     # Place to store and return warnings

LineNum       = 0      # Keep track of the line number as we go
ParseOptions  = {}     # Options and settings for know variables
SymTable      = {}     # Results of the parsing stored here

#--------------------------- Code Begins Here ---------------------------------#

#             Object Base Class Definitions                #

#               Utility Function Definitions               #

# Create A Debug Message

def DebugMsg(dmsg):

    global DebugMsgs
    DebugMsgs.append(mkmsg(dmsg, dDEBUG))

# End of 'DebugMsg()'

# Create An Error Message

def ErrorMsg(error):

    global ErrMsgs
    ErrMsgs.append(mkmsg(error + "!", eERROR))

# End of 'ErrorMsg()'

# Create A Warning Message

def WarningMsg(warning):

    global WarnMsgs
    WarnMsgs.append(mkmsg(warning + "!", wWARNING))

# End of 'WarningMsg()'

# Construct A Standard Application Message String

def mkmsg(msg, msgtype=""):

    if msgtype:
        msgtype += ":"
    pad = " " * (MSGPOS - len(msgtype))

    return "%s - %s%s%s" % (PROGINFO, msgtype, pad, msg)

# End of 'mkmsg()'

#              Entry Point On Direct Invocation            #

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print BANNER

#                  Public API To Module                    #

def ParseConfig(cfgfile, Options={}, IgnoreCase=False, debug=False):

    global DEBUG, IGNORECASE, LineNum, ParseOptions, SymTable
    global DebugMsgs, ErrMsgs, WarnMsgs
    # Initialize the globals

    DEBUG         = debug
    IGNORECASE    = IgnoreCase
    LineNum       = 0
    DebugMsgs     = []
    ErrMsgs       = []
    WarnMsgs       = []
    ParseOptions  = Options
    SymTable      = {}

    # Begin parsing

        # Return the parsing results

        if DEBUG:
            DebugMsg(dNUMLINES %(LineNum, cfgfile))
        return (SymTable, ErrMsgs, WarnMsgs, DebugMsgs, PARSEOK)

    # Something went wrong

        if DEBUG:
            DebugMsg(dNUMLINES %(LineNum, cfgfile))

        ErrorMsg(eCONFOPEN % cfgfile)
        return (SymTable, ErrMsgs, WarnMsgs, DebugMsgs, not PARSEOK)

# End of 'ParseConfig()'

#              Parser Support Functions                    #

# Condition A Line - Remove Comments & Leading/Trailing Whitespace

def ConditionLine(line):

    return line.split(COMMENT)[0].strip()

# End of 'ConditionLine()'

# Parse A File

def ParseFile(cfgfile):

    global IgnoreCase, LineNum, MsgList, ParseOptions, SymTable

    cf = open(cfgfile)
    # Successful open of config file - Begin processing it

    # Process and massage the configuration file
    for line in
        LineNum += 1

        # Parse this line
        ParseLine(line, cfgfile)

    # Close the config file

# End of 'ParseFile()'

# Parse A Line

def ParseLine(line, cfgfile):

    global IgnoreCase, LineNum, MsgList, ParseOptions, SymTable

    line = ConditionLine(line)

# End of 'ParseLine'