Changed option "nonewvar" to "nonewvars".
Added "templates" and "temponly" options.
Minor cleanups and edits.
1 parent 195ea23 commit 503e968445aae7a7a2a0b25ca0582a973d385917
@tundra tundra authored on 26 Apr 2004
Showing 1 changed file
.ds CP 2003-2004
.TH test-tc 1 "TundraWare Inc."
Test driver to exercise the \'tconfpy\' Python module.
Test driver to exercise the \fCtconfpy\fP Python module.
.SH SYNOPSIS [symtbl] [nonewvar] [limitns] [litvars] [debug] cfgfile, cfgfile, ... [symtbl] [nonewvars] [templates] [temponly] [limitns] [litvars] [debug] cfgfile, cfgfile, ...
.B symtbl
This option causes the test driver to include a symbol table with some
predefined test variables in it. These are useful for experimenting
with variable dereferencing, substitution, and type/value enforcement.
The default is to not predefine any such variables. (Note that whether
this option is present or not, \'tconfpy\' always creates a number of
predefined variables of its own internally. See the \'tconfpy\'
documentation for the details.)
this option is present or not, \fCtconfpy\fP always creates a number of
predefined variables of its own internally. See the \fCtconfpy\fP
documentation for the details.)
You can see all the predefined variables (and their attributes) by
running \\fP on an empty configuration file. This will
show you both the variables automatically defined by \fCtconfpy\fP as
well as any variables created with this option, if present.
.B nonewvar
.B nonewvars
This option disables the creation of new variables in the
configuration file (via the \fCAllowNewVars\fP API option). The user
is limited to referencing and modifying only those variables already
present in the symbol table. Typically used when passing an initial
symbol table to the parser to limit the user to only those variables.
The default is to permit new variable creation.
This option tells \'tconfpy\' to disallow the creation of new
variables in the configuration file (via the \'AllowNewVars\' API
option). The user is limited to referencing and modifying only those
variables already present in the symbol table. Typically used when
passing an initial symbol table to the parser to limit the user to
only those variables. The default is to permit new variable creation.
.B templates
This option creates a default set of variable templates for use in
the configuration file. These are passed to the \fCtconfpy\fP parser
via the \fCTemplates={}\fP API option.
The following variable templates are predefined when this option
is used:
.ft C \" courier
Name Val RO Type Def Legal Values Min/Max
templb 1 RW boolean False [] None None
templc 4+5j RW complex 0-0j [1-1j, 1+1j] None None
templf 1.0 RW float 0.5 [3.14, 2.73] None None
templi 1 RW int 0 [1, 2, 23] None None
templs "stringy" RW string "" [r'^box$', r'^Bax', r'a+bc'] 3 8
.ft \" revert
.B temponly
This option will only permit new variable creation if a template for
that variable exists (via the \fCTemplatesOnly=True\fP parser API
option). This is used in conjunction with the \fCtemplates\fP option
.B limitns
.B litvars
By default, \'tconfpy\' does nothing to text encountered inside
of \'.literal\' blocks in a configuration file. If this option
is present, the test driver tells \'tconfpy\' to replace any variable
references present in a \'.literal\' block. See the \'tconfpy\'
By default, \fCtconfpy\fP does nothing to text encountered inside
of \fC.literal\fP blocks in a configuration file. If this option
is present, the test driver tells \fCtconfpy\fP to replace any variable
references present in a \fC.literal\fP block. See the \fCtconfpy\fP
documentation for a more complete description.
.B debug
This option causes the test driver to invoke \'tconfpy\' with
This option causes the test driver to invoke \fCtconfpy\fP with
debugging enabled and then display debug output when parsing is
complete. The default is for debug output to be disabled.
This test driver uses a simple table-driven scheme for pre-defining
This test driver uses a simple table-driven scheme for predefining
variables should you desire this feature. This can be found near
the beginning of the \'\' file. All this should be
the beginning of the \\fP file. All this should be
fairly self-explanatory once you understand the various variable
attributes recognized by \'tconfpy\'. Edit this table as
attributes recognized by \fCtconfpy\fP. Edit this table as
desired to create more variables or different attribute values
for your testing purposes.
The exact same scheme is used for predefining variable templates and
you can add/delete/change these to suit your own tastes in the same
Requires Python 2.3 or later.
The symbol table dump at the end of a program run could be formatted better.
\'test-tc\' is part of the \'tconfpy\' package and is Copyright (c)
\fCtest-tc\fP is part of the \fCtconfpy\fP package and is Copyright (c)
\*(CP TundraWare Inc. For terms of use, see the tconfpy-license.txt
file in the program distribution. If you install \'tconfpy\' on a
file in the program distribution. If you install \fCtconfpy\fP on a
FreeBSD system using the 'ports' mechanism, you will also find this
file in /usr/local/share/doc/py-tconfpy.