Added Templates, TemplatesOnly, and ReturnPredefs options.
1 parent 503e968 commit 95b4199a6548ed74511ed5985ffc7b21b6312247
@tundra tundra authored on 27 Apr 2004
Showing 1 changed file
retval = ParseConfig(cfgfile,
.B cfgfile (Required Parameter - No Default)
The the name of a file containing configuration information
.B InitialSymTable (Default: \fC{}\fP)
A prepopulated symbol table (a Python dictionary). As described
below, this must contain valid \fCVarDescriptor\fP entries for each
symbol in the table.
.B AllowNewVars (Default: \fCTrue\fP)
Allow the user to create new variables in the configuration file.
.B Templates (Default: \fC{}\fP)
This option is used to pass variable templates to the parser. If present,
\*(TC expects this option to pass a data structure in the same format as
a symbol table. i.e., You must pass a Python dictonary whose keys are the
names of the variable templates and each entry must be a \fCVarDescriptor\fP
object. See the section below entitled,
.B Using Variable Templates
for all the details. By default, no variable templates are passed to
the parser.
.B TemplatesOnly (Default: \fCFalse\fP)
If this option is set to \fCTrue\fP, \*(TC will not permit a new variable to
be created unless a variable template exists for it. By default, \*(TC will
use a variable template if one is present for a new variable, but it does
not require one. If a new variable is created, and no Template exists for
it, the variable is just created as a string type with no restrictions on
content or length. When this option is set to \fCTrue\fP, then a
.B must
exist for each newly created variable.
.B LiteralVars (Default: \fCFalse\fP)
If set to \fCTrue\fP this option enables variable substitutions within
\fC.literal\fP blocks of a configuration file. See the section in the
language reference below on \fC.literal\fP usage for details.
.B ReturnPredefs (Default: \fCTrue\fP)
\fCtconfpy\fC "prefefines" some variables internally. By default,
these are returned in the symbol table along with the variables
actually defined in the configuration file. If you want a
"pure" symbol table - that is, a table with
.B only
your variables in it - set this option to \fCFalse\fP.
.B Debug (Default: \fCFalse\fP)
If set to \fCTrue\fP, \*(TC will provide detailed debugging information
about each line processed when it returns.
.B retval
An object of type \fCtconfpy.RetObj\fP used to return parsing results.
and \fCrealvar\fP are predefined in the initial symbol
table passed to the parser.
.SS Using Variable Templates - The \fCTemplates\fP And \fCTemplatesOnly\fP API Options
.SS The \fCLiteralVars\fP API Option
\*(TC supports the inclusion of literal text anywhere in a
configuration file via the \fC.literal\fP directive. This
.B any
other language or text.
.SS The \fCReturnPredefs\fP API Option
As described below, \fCtconfpy\fP internally "predefines" a number of
variables. These include variables that describe the current runtime
environment as well as variables that substitute for language
These predefined variables are just stored in the symbol table like
any other variable. By default, they are returned with all the "real"
variables discovered in the configuration file. If you want
.B only
the variables actually encountered in the configuration file itself,
set \fCReturnPredefs=False\fP in the \fCParseConfig()\fP API call.
This will cause \fCtconfpy\fP to strip out all the predefined
variables before returning the final symbol table. Note that this
option also removes the \fCNAMESPACE\fP variable since it is understood
to also be outside the configuration file (even though you may have
passed an initial version of \fCNAMESPACE\fP to the parser).
.SS The \fCDebug\fP API Option
\*(TC has a fairly rich set of debugging features built into its
parser. It can provide some detail about each line parsed as well